First impression


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Agreed, that attic flipper reversed control scheme takes some getting used to. Goes against instinct and feels unnatural.

I actually have figured out a good way to deal with that—if you always double-flip when the ball is in the attic, you'll never have to worry about getting used to the reversed flipper scheme.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I actually have figured out a good way to deal with that—if you always double-flip when the ball is in the attic, you'll never have to worry about getting used to the reversed flipper scheme.

But won't that just put extra wear and tear on the solenoids and burn them out prematurely?:)


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Agreed, that attic flipper reversed control scheme takes some getting used to. Goes against instinct and feels unnatural.

I actually have figured out a good way to deal with that—if you always double-flip when the ball is in the attic, you'll never have to worry about getting used to the reversed flipper scheme.

But won't that just put extra wear and tear on the solenoids and burn them out prematurely?:)

It certainly will - my virtual solenoids are starting to fail since following the advice of CC13. When learning the art of pinball playing, beginners are always advised against the double-flip - HH may be the exception.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Please forgive me for perhaps stating the obvious, but Haunted House's attic is the only instance (that comes to mind, aside from Zen Pinball) where you control a "left" flipper with the right button and vice versa. Thus the strangeness. :)

I think there's an old Gotty called Gold Wings that has a confusing flipper-button mapping. I haven't played it but I did read that somewhere. I think it was at the UK Pinball Party, and confused everyone who played it. It's a pretty rare machine. Extremely wacky layout.

I think the key is the rotation of the flipper. If it rotates clockwise, the brain says right button. Anticlockwise, left button. Unless the playfield is inverted then it's the opposite. Anything that breaks this rule confuses our simple minds!
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New member
May 18, 2012
I don't have any problems with the 'rotating flipper' orientation. Does this mean I should donate my brain for science?


New member
Jun 26, 2013
I don't have any problems with the 'rotating flipper' orientation. Does this mean I should donate my brain for science?

Me neither (or too.) I found the reversed gravity of the cellar more jarring, though BH helps. Left is left, right is right. Of course, I have also played this table IRL:

Science refused my brain on account of lack of use.
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Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
I took a short view here and in the IOS bug thread, but i didn't found anything:

At my HH, iPad1 with IOS 5.1.1, the add Bonus light at the cellar spot targets will not
be lit after shooting the drop targets in the cellar, on both sides. anybody else?


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Dec 25, 2012


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May 12, 2013


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Is HH one fast widebody or what?

I think the TPA version plays faster than it should IMO. I saw some folks on the Pinside forum complaining about the speed too. Still fun to play though.

Should play more like Gorgar speed.
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Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
I am a little bit sad about the wizard goal "score 200.000 points in monster bonus",
because you don't have to score 200.000 for it, 40.000 with a 5x bonus multplier
is enough.

Sometimes farsight is strange, you need 4B at CC, but only 6M in HH or
10M in PinBot, so some of the 1000 HoF-scores are much to easy and
some a extreme difficult. Same with the wizard goals, sometimes to easy
and some time very hard.

I like the hard ones.

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