First impressions


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Not sure about all of them, but Gen. Yagov must be getting fed up with being shot down again and again and again... you'd think he'd learn, right?

Well I suppose the cost in MiGs is running pretty high by now, too.

Well the russian MIG cost around 11 million (USD) and the F-14 Tomcat cost 35 million - so I guess it depends on how good you are at the table...


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well the russian MIG cost around 11 million (USD) and the F-14 Tomcat cost 35 million - so I guess it depends on how good you are at the table...

$35MM per F-14, eh? That's a LOT of quarters!! Mind you in a good game I probably knock off Yagov 10+ times so that's $110MM of damage right there. This assumes that one game = one F-14, not one ball = one F-14, because then you're losing F-14s faster than you are killing MiGs. Not sure the US Navy would approve of that kill ratio.

Of course the updated version of F-14 would be F-35 and that'd probably be a $2-a-play pin given the relative costs of the two aircraft, no?


New member
Aug 27, 2014
$35MM per F-14, eh? That's a LOT of quarters!! Mind you in a good game I probably knock off Yagov 10+ times so that's $110MM of damage right there. This assumes that one game = one F-14, not one ball = one F-14, because then you're losing F-14s faster than you are killing MiGs. Not sure the US Navy would approve of that kill ratio.

Of course the updated version of F-14 would be F-35 and that'd probably be a $2-a-play pin given the relative costs of the two aircraft, no?

I was assuming 1 ball = 1 f-14 (lose a life right?) then a poorly played game with just 3 balls would cost 140 mil in us treasure. If you killed yagov and the 7 support fightesr (alpha - golf) that would only cost Russia 88 mil (or 5,814,556,000 ruble)

This is just speculation of course and I am sure all the pilots ejected safely.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Anyone else like Ace Combat games? I play on my 3ds still, ace combat x on psp was great still hope for a vita re release. +1 After Burner! II is in the 3ds store thinkin about it

Oh yeah and fun table :p wizard goals seem too easy to me tho. What would have been some better ones?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Can an F-14 take off from a carrier?

You've clearly never watched Top Gun, have you? The F-14 was the Navy's mainstay for years. It absolutely can take off and land on a carrier. Look closely at the F-14 playfield and there is a front-on view of a carrier, presumably a pilot's-eye view as he's coming in to make a landing.


Mar 5, 2014
You've clearly never watched Top Gun, have you? The F-14 was the Navy's mainstay for years. It absolutely can take off and land on a carrier. Look closely at the F-14 playfield and there is a front-on view of a carrier, presumably a pilot's-eye view as he's coming in to make a landing.

A safe landing even! Worth a quarter mill points ;)
I've only tried this table a few times so far and my first impression is that it's a very nice release. Damn fast! I'm far from able to get all the extraballs everyone seems to be getting, which I like a lot tbh. Wizard goals seem ok too, I don't have the 250k launch one yet. 1k HOF requires something like 40 mill, which seems about right to me.

And Top Gun rocks :)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
You've clearly never watched Top Gun, have you? The F-14 was the Navy's mainstay for years. It absolutely can take off and land on a carrier. Look closely at the F-14 playfield and there is a front-on view of a carrier, presumably a pilot's-eye view as he's coming in to make a landing.

I have seen Top Gun, but it has been a long time. They could have been up in hot air balloons for all I can remember about it. ;)


New member
Aug 27, 2014
F-14 is a better pin than Topgun was a film.

Well i am glad they made this based on the plane and an original scenario and not top gun or we probably wouldn't be playing it right now.

Pins that are better than the movies they are based on:
Addams family
Johnny numonic
Dr who

Pins that are on par with their movie counterparts:
Wizard of oz
Star Trek
Starship troopers (maybe)
Golden eye


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Also Dr Who isn't a movie, unless you count the two movies made in the '60s with Peter Cushing, which most fans don't, and anyway the pin is based on the first run of the TV show (1963-1988). The pin is good, but the overall body of the work of the TV show, particularly during the '70s, is better.

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