First impressions

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
$35MM per F-14, eh? That's a LOT of quarters!! Mind you in a good game I probably knock off Yagov 10+ times so that's $110MM of damage right there. This assumes that one game = one F-14, not one ball = one F-14, because then you're losing F-14s faster than you are killing MiGs. Not sure the US Navy would approve of that kill ratio.

Of course the updated version of F-14 would be F-35 and that'd probably be a $2-a-play pin given the relative costs of the two aircraft, no?

The updated version of F-14 would be F/A-18E/F. The F-35 is designed to replace the Harrier and legacy Hornet (F/A-18C/D), while the Super Hornet is filling the role the Tomcat once served.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
[MENTION=234]Rudy Yagov[/MENTION] :So I guess Funhouse and F-14 Tomcat are your favorite tables? Or is there some incredible coincedence going on? :)


New member
May 4, 2015
P.S. High score on it so far is a measly 680,250 - barely suitable to crack the high score table. If I crack a million on it I will take back everything nasty I said about it, but don't hold your breath.

Got ALMOST to two million today. I don't quite take back EVERYTHING nasty I said about it, but I will say this: The DANGER DANGER sequence at the start of multiball is terrifying ... and I mean that in a GOOD way. Electrifying

Actually, the table is growing on me, but it may just be too effing fast for my fossilized reflexes. I've known for a while that I play pinball slightly better during cocktail hour, when I've had a bit of gin, but this is the only table in TPA where the gin is NECESSARY. :p

I don't think I've ever played any other table where a ball can suddenly come back at the flippers that fast. I have learned to cope with the Yagov kicker - if the ball goes that way, I just put flippers up as fast as I can and that usually works. and the very fast loops I can deal with. It's sudden bounces off that bank of center targets that still get me. And I still have trouble figuring out exactly where the ball will come out of the Habitrail maze, which makes using the upper flippers a bit tricky. (I should probably go read the rules, eh?)


New member
Aug 27, 2014
If the ball goes in the right trap it will loop around left and you can hit it with the upper top left flipper and hit the tom cat target(s) for hot streak points, multiball progress, and even multipliers. Same with the left trap except it loops to the right. Not sure about the far right trap - I don't pay attention because it is only released during multiball....

Glad it growing on you
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Mar 5, 2014
Anyone has any ideas to get the 250k launch bonus wg to stick? Does it have to be with no balls in the lock(s) or something like that? Pretty hard to even get to 250k imo. Sucks that it doesn't register.
Second opinion: Backhanding the right orbit up to 8x really destroys the table. That's where the infinite extra balls are since it's easy to do on every ball. And there are even more ebs from kills and rolling the score every 10M.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Anyone has any ideas to get the 250k launch bonus wg to stick? Does it have to be with no balls in the lock(s) or something like that? Pretty hard to even get to 250k imo. Sucks that it doesn't register.

Best I've even managed is 150K....

Second opinion: Backhanding the right orbit up to 8x really destroys the table. That's where the infinite extra balls are since it's easy to do on every ball. And there are even more ebs from kills and rolling the score every 10M.

Practically impossible on a real table. I tried it on two different ones at a show this past weekend. No dice.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
i think for it to count you have to not be playing the multiball music. sadly even flight insurance drain resets launch bonus...

has anyone ever gotten this goal?


Mar 5, 2014
it's been reported broken since maybe day 2 or 3 of release, F-14 doesn't award you those points it says on the DMD anyway, I mentioned it on steam and tarek mentioned it in the issues masterthread.

try 5 of these

Ok thanks for the info.
That's exactly how I trigger the left inlane too for this goal :) not perfectly reliable but we work with what we have. Sometimes it can be triggered when a ball is launched from the right lock and you hold the lower left flipper up as well. Nudging required for that though and high risk of getting the outlane instead, but at least the kickback is easy to relight :) I'll try some different options and see if I can get the goal to register tonight.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
i think for it to count you have to not be playing the multiball music.
I've gotten to 250K launch bonus before multiball and after multiball was over.
did you mean perhaps, to get it launched at 250K when you don't have a lock lit?.. I think the one time I did it before multiball it was on Lock 2

That's exactly how I trigger the left inlane too for this goal :) not perfectly reliable but we work with what we have.
I was trying to find some way that was repeatable for keyboard users because shooting the inner orbit and nudging it into the inlane wasn't in any way reliable to begin with, plus that was the slowest approach, making the shot easier.
other (post-passes aren't 100% repeatable)
tricky (getting the ball to the edge of the flipper is hard on KB)
methods didn't pan out. (too many steps)

Hopefully it's fixed on the next tables release, the last time it took a month to patch a goal from a newly released table was HRC's super duper mega extreme jackpot.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Somebody has gotten the launch bonus goal (the steam achievement reads 0.1% instead of 0.0%. Has anyone here gotten it yet? Is the bug fixed? Do you have to do it before multiball?


New member
Oct 8, 2015
I asked, Mike replied in chat at the MSF twitch stream, and the answer was it wasn't looked into yet. Maybe next weeks patch will mention it.

Well Frankenstein is also .1% .. I'd like to see someone get that 150M creature jackpot goal.

Version 1.43.8
- Fixed scores reporting over 9,999,999,990 on the leaderboards

Version 1.43.7
- Added Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (look under M in the list)
- Fixed plunger camera sometimes not exiting when plunging on Firepower
- Can now scroll credits faster byholding down flipper keys

Version 1.42.8
- Fixed Season 1 showing when trying to purchase season from F14 instead of Season 5

Version 1.42.7
- Added F-14 Tomcat
- Fixed bad flipper rotation on Space Shuttle
- Draw order fix for Dracula pop bumpers
- Fixed - Black Rose: The plunger switch needs lowered. When the plunger is pulled back, the switch releases and plays the sound.
- Fixed - Bride of Pinbot: Plunging too early while the camera is focused on the skill shot area makes the camera get stuck that way.
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New member
Jul 31, 2014
I went to a buddy's to play the PC version of F-14: I was really surprised how much difficult it was compared to the Mac version. The Mac is way, way easier.


New member
Sep 27, 2015
Finally got the 250k Launch Bonus goal on my iPad. Inverted nudging on. Touchscheme F.

I couldn't consistently get the bounce off the center target shot to the inlane as mentioned in a post above so I used 2 other shots that worked pretty well to hit the inlane. If you're trying to get this goal, learning these shots will help you out.

Shot #1 - "Right Lock Nudge"

When the ball shoots out of the right lock, let it pass the upper left flipper. Hold up the lower left flipper. The ball will bounce up and just after it hits the left bumper nudge it with an inner left nudge on the touchscreen. The ball will go down the inlane every time after which you can make the shot to the launch bonus.

Shot #2 - "Backhand Orbit"

From a right trap, backhand the ball through the orbit. Let it pass the upper left flipper. Hold up the lower left flipper and let the ball bounce up over the bumper and down the inlane. No nudging required. Make the launch bonus shot.

Good luck gents
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New member
Aug 10, 2012
I also found that from a left kickout you can up nudge just as the ball reaches the right flipper to send it over and up and back down the left in lane. Given the launch shot return goes to the left kicker more often I found this invaluable for the goal

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