First impressions


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
The flipper design on the upper flipper is totally intentional. You aren't supposed to do a skyway ramp to drawbridge combo very easily. The intended shot seems to be shoot VUK, then one time it up the ramp from there. TO shoot it cleanly, you need a really slow moving ball (which you can't get from an orbit feed) or a really fast one (which will have enough initial momentum for your flip to carry it up).

TPA got this right..

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
The flipper design on the upper flipper is totally intentional. You aren't supposed to do a skyway ramp to drawbridge combo very easily. The intended shot seems to be shoot VUK, then one time it up the ramp from there. TO shoot it cleanly, you need a really slow moving ball (which you can't get from an orbit feed) or a really fast one (which will have enough initial momentum for your flip to carry it up).

TPA got this right..

I guessed that was correct, don't like it though. It feels like it is just a fluke shot and not really related to skill. Not that TPA should have done it any different if it was made that way originally, it's just boring in my opinion.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
As i said, the skillfull way is to shoot the lightning wheel from a trap on the right, which in real life is pretty easy to whack it up the ramp after. The shot IS doable on TPA as well but the timing is pretty hard on it.
Feb 19, 2014
Id say it's pretty damn fast. I had some trouble on the lower Playfield early on, due to just how quick the ball shoots out of the u-turns, and off the drop targets. I had to have really quick reactions.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
not a huge amount of depth but love it. Frantic pace, awesome music and nice flow. Would like the magna save to be more powerful.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Has anyone got the RANSOM advance from the lightening wheel? I've never got it once.......

I have.

I have to say that it seems like a great recreation by Farsight. Looks and plays great. But I'm glad I got the wizard goals and can move on now.
Feb 19, 2014
Can you say BORING! Don't really care for it at all.


(Black Knight Voice)

Has anyone got the RANSOM advance from the lightening wheel? I've never got it once.......

Best game yet, I got it on ball one ;)

This game man... Just one of those pins you want to keep playing for score, not to chase some narrative or pound away at shots advancing toward a goal, just shoot, play , score points and kick ass. It's old school in the best possible way and I love it for that.


New member
Mar 26, 2012

(Black Knight Voice)
Steve Ritchie's voice :D

This game man... Just one of those pins you want to keep playing for score, not to chase some narrative or pound away at shots advancing toward a goal, just shoot, play , score points and kick ass. It's old school in the best possible way and I love it for that.
Welcome to pretty much all Steve Ritchie tables. All the early ones, really. And I guess AC/DC and the new Star Trek, no OTT mode-based stuff. Latter two still obviously have depth, but they don't make you feel like you've missed out on anything if you've just flipped around on the table.

Trust me, I know about the pins you're talking about. I own the machine in my avatar and I doubt I'd ever get sick of it... it's probably one of the most basic solid-state games around, yet you can't help but love it.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I understand it isn't the deepest and I agree that it is too right flipper heavy. But I still have a great time playing it. The look and sound are top notch and the multiball is fun even though it doesn't last long (for me at least). And spelling out Ransome will also get you to play just one more game. I still like Black Rose better, but this is another good addition to a super season so far.


spelling out Ransome will also get you to play just one more game. I still like Black Rose better, but this is another good addition to a super season so far.

Did they release a Quebecois version of BK2K as well? :p Ransome, LOL
I loved Black Rose during testing, but something happened in the tuning for the market releases and now it's another cactus canyon for me. BK2K is a real hit or miss it seems.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I like BK2K but it does lose its novelty pretty quickly.

That said, it's a cool table with great sound and a lot of flow. The U-Turn is the fastest shot I've ever seen in any pinball. Even the Unity3D vids of it lose track of the ball on a good U-Turn shot and I was glad to see that in TPA as well.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Well, it still gets tedious at times (right flipper), and still takes a commitment that I'm not always in the mood for.
But just finished a 41.8M game, 18 overall, so there's that I guess.
Bottom line: no regrets of the purchase.


Nov 23, 2013
I don´t care for it the novelty wore out record quick. I am no big fan of high speed either so that is slightly better.


New member
Jul 5, 2014
This is my favourite, and default pinball table. Not just the music, but the layout and the lights the challenges, are just pure pinball. This is my go-to table, that will try to master before anything else.

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