First Impressions


New member
Oct 6, 2012
If anyone again says Genie is too "floaty", please refer them to this table. Other wise I think it is great. Should keep me busy for the next month as the novelty of Black Rose and BK2K quickly wore off. Just watch for the occasional left loop kick.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Meh, have to pass again.

So... When does season 3 starts to catch up with season 1 and 2? It should be the biggest season yet. Fish tales is fun, but then..... Not even c-pins.... And all for triple a price.

I was expecting premium pins but so far its very dissapointing this season.

I hope they move more towards modern sterns.

For the price story. I have baught fish tales, is 4,49.

Wont buy rest season 3 whats out now, is still 4,49.

If they would still have normal prices, i would have baught 4x 2,49 even i am not a fan of who dunit pirates and bk2k, is 10......

So by making the price twice more they earn half from me. I am sure i am not the only one.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
I bought it as soon as I heard the music. I have no idea how to play it though :)
I skipped bk2000 last month.


New member
Dec 6, 2012
This could be entertaining. Not on the level of BK2K or Black Rose, though.
The slot machine-gimmick is a good one as is eliminating the suspects. The music is great for a change.
Haven't read any instructions but it seems quite straightforward.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Awesome table, one of the best so far! The flippers seem a bit "slippery" but I guess that is the same on the real table. It's really quite difficult to cradle the ball.

Got 16B on my first 5 games...and pretty much did everything that could be done on the table. So, maybe a bit too easy.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Love it. Never encountered the real table (only found very few real tables) but really liking the theme, music and dmd animations. Great stuff, although I'm disturbed that it doesn't sit alphabetically in the table menu 'wheel'. Why's that then?


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I'm conflicted, I really enjoy how easy it is because you need plenty of easy tables to break up the frustration every now and again, but at the same time I always seem to choke when it comes to catching the killer. I've had all sorts of weird and highly improbable drains and have only ever caught the killer once, even though I know I'd have destroyed my high score with all those deserved bonus multipliers.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I'm conflicted, I really enjoy how easy it is because you need plenty of easy tables to break up the frustration every now and again, but at the same time I always seem to choke when it comes to catching the killer. I've had all sorts of weird and highly improbable drains and have only ever caught the killer once, even though I know I'd have destroyed my high score with all those deserved bonus multipliers.

I caught him with comparative ease on my first game, didn't think much of it.

Now it's a goal I'm fairly sure I'll never do it again.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
The physics have taken a step backwards on the past two releases. I really want to like Whodunnit, but it's too easy and floaty to be fun for me. So disappointing because I have never played this table in real life and I love the theme.

I'm losing my interest in these tables. They really need to overhaul the physics. They do a great job on the table itself, but the ball feels like a helium balloon loaded with static charge.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Like the table, great flow to it. Nice to have something a little easier for a change - although no doubt people will play it for 10 hrs straight and get ridiculous scores!

Shame about the nasty pink speckled texture though. Ball flew off the table a few times too.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
well, the real life table is really that floaty and easy.

and yes, if you use the phone to accuse the suspect, the ball is on the wrong side to shoot the shot the game wants you to, which is the big gotcha of the table, and is responsible for most of your bricks, because there is NO reliable shot that feeds the left flipper other than the elevator itself, which is closed.

So the big trick is to choose whodunnit from the elevator instead, which gives you a straight shot at the right taxi. If you did accuse from the phone, you can try a hold pass.

And yes, those shots are VERY easy to brick, which is true to real life.

Another thing to keep in mind is that collecting all clues lights extra ball, and closing the case unlights the clues, so choosing the correct suspect before collecting that extra ball is not always the best plan.

Ideal start to the game is to hit the super skill shot for a clue, a bonusx, and a lock, then shoot the penthouse key right off the bat, because its' an easy shot when the ball is coming down fast off that kickout. you will ALWAYS get the ball back of that penhouse key when doing this.
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New member
Oct 6, 2012
I cannot understand why previous table purchasers do not support the progress and skip buying tables in certain months? Support TPA each month or you may never see that table you want regardless.

As for the table, yeah I agree on the flippers being "slippy" and the MB's being less than fun, but the overall point of the table and the game play is great.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I cannot understand why previous table purchasers do not support the progress and skip buying tables in certain months? Support TPA each month or you may never see that table you want regardless.

As for the table, yeah I agree on the flippers being "slippy" and the MB's being less than fun, but the overall point of the table and the game play is great.

I prefer the motto, the customer is always right. It's in FS best interest to produce a product people want to buy, so if a certain table sells poorly, they'll analyze the reason and rectify it.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Hmm, is it really an easy game? Dunno. I mean, I had a couple of great scores, but that's more because of mere "flipping around" than thanks to deliberate aiming and hitting targets. As already noted in this thread, the flippers are really slippery. Basically you're just flipping to keep the ball alive than actually really going for something, so finishing modes and collecting points are just side effects that come out of it. It reminds me of how Fish Tales used to be in the beginning.

And... yeah, once the roof mode starts and you're supposed to chase the killer the table suddenly swallows the ball in most inventive ways. I thought it was just me and my typical bad luck, but since someone else here is experiencing the very same I wonder if there's actually a "drain script" or something.

But what I mentioned above doesn't really matter in the end, because even on its own terms I don't think that this table is particularly fun. :-/ I do like the theme of Clue-like crime solving, but the execution is just all over the shop. Trains? Elevators? A slot machine? Roulette? And I don't find the rules all that accessible; they seem pretty "zig-zag" to me. I'm just never very sure about the what, where and why. Somewhat unfocussed table design, IMO.

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