Fix should be coming soon, if iOS users matter to Farsight right?


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Well I can't help but assume a fix is coming soon for MM on iOS... Although they botched the launch button for ST:TNG, it seems that the simple fact that there is a separate switch for the launcher has seemingly provided a previously implemented fix for the launcher problems for iOS users. The fact that one of the wizard goals is beat video mode (also providing a critical extra ball by the way), and iOS users are forced to use the bomb if they ever want to move right is even worse than being forced to use the troll bombs. You can earn multiple troll bombs, and have multiple ways of attaining them, yet with the insane level of difficulty to even attempt video mod, much less the difficulty in beating it, it's ridiculous that the "concensus" key to beating it is wasted...I have gotten the opportunity to attempt video mode all of twice, I know I will not be beating it anytime soon unless a fix if implements ASAp


New member
Jun 20, 2012
If IOS users matters? really? you have any idea how far behind the other platforms are? PS3 and XBox 360 and Vita are going on 4-6 months behind what you already take for granted , and you take that tone? This is the kind of post that crawls under my skin. If gratitude mattered to them yours would be the platform they would work on last. But it doesnt, and you IOS guys get the new tables within a month of the announced release date , if not on time.

We're still waiting in PS3 land on Elvira Scared Stiff and Twilight Zone , the 360 guys have it the worst , they still havent seen Creature From the Black Lagoon , and PC guys have yet to get the game .

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
0 really can't say that here and expect not to get burned, given the state of the PC, 360 and PS3 versions. In fact, usually the accusation runs the other way round: people normally complain that FarSight only cares about the mobile devices (which is also not true).

Reaching MM's video mode is not all that hard if you concentrate on the Peasant and Damsel ramps and use your flippers to shift the unlit F-I-R-E light(s) to the inlane where the ball will be arriving. If you start from a cradle on the right flipper, you can alternate the ramps as an 8-way combo and pick up a Peasant Revolt, a Damsel Save, and 2 completions of F-I-R-E. Yes, I know "just shoot an 8-way combo!" doesn't sound very helpful, but actually try it: it's easier than it first appears, and even if you only manage the first 4 shots, that's still 1 set of F-I-R-E.

Completing video mode is mostly a matter of memorizing which birds try to grab which children when, so that you don't run all the way right to chase a bird that isn't going to grab the child over there anyway, thereby leaving yourself unable to get back left to stab the bird which is grabbing a child. It can be done without resorting to bombs.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Speaking as a purchaser of every table (bar the two I got as kickstarter rewards) on iOS, it's pretty clear that iOS users matter to Farsight a lot since iOS usually gets new tables before everyone else and often a second update to fix bugs which are egregious.

Regarding your issue, this isn't a game-breaking thing and button placement on the screen isn't something they tend to treat casually since there are a few control methods in play, so they try not to mess about with that too much. The only example I can think of where this was changed was Black Knight and there were complaints about that from folk who like to touch to nudge.

I think it's safe to say that this isn't something that's going to be high on their list, as opposed to an actual bug, so I hope you can somehow learn to live with it or at least get over Farsight's perceived lack of concern over your "plight."


New member
Dec 23, 2012
they come out first because that's how they make their money, but they have done **** for the bugs that only plague iOS, don't misinterpret the need for revenue for caring...

I am a pc gamer, as well as on my 360...I got the iOS version because it was presented to me, and it's nice to have it mobile...however I regret buying nearly all the tables on ios because it plays so much nicer on the 360...I would accept that is expected because of the nature of touch screen, but I had no idea TPA was cross platform as I only knew of it from being featured on the app store
Last edited:


New member
Sep 22, 2012
The Xbox is used to code and create all tables, they are then ported to the other platforms. Explains why they play so well on the Xbox............... also explains why we Xbox users are so frustrated with lack of content that does exist but that we can't get our hands on :)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
they come out first because that's how they make their money, but they have done **** for the bugs that only plague iOS, don't misinterpret the need for revenue for caring

I'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about. They fix iOS bugs ALL THE TIME; there have even been mid-month releases for them.

I agree the placement of an on-screen button would be nice (the TNG button placement isn't a simple matter as many assume, but try camera angle 2 to deal with that), but this post is unlikely to get that. Try mailing support instead and bear in mind that a change like this may well require them to get licensor approval which adds further delays.

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