Flyer art scans @ 1080p (what are your feelings on this?)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I personally love flyers (both pinball and arcade coin op)
I feel it's an important part of pin history which is why I feel they should either make them presentable or do away with them all together.

They way they are now really brings down the quality of the product IMO.
I showed this game off to a fellow pinball fanatic and he was excited to see it had
flyer scans, but when I showed him the flyers he thought his glasses were blurry.

I have said this months ago and really figured they would have obtained better scans. I believe they are using the same quality resolution for iOS as they are the PS3 & 360. If I had to guess I would say these
are probably 640x480 and there is no way these will look good on an average sized HDTV.

This is from black Knight and I dare you to try and read it. :(

I realize this may seem minor to most, but its still a part of a program that hopes to capture the history of pinball and better care should be taken on this


New member
May 23, 2012
Just get rid of the flyers altogether. What's the point if you can't read them? Maybe make them available through the website or something.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I agree they need to do something, the quality sucks big time even on IOS. In the case of IOS I can see why they are doing it, I.e. to keep file size down but there is a way around that, all they have to do is include the option within the app to download hi res versions, I've seen other apps have the option to download hi res assets.
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
they should add the scan of original rule sheet from the machine and it should be view able while playing (paused of course.)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I like them, just not in this state of quality!
They are a part of the table's history and an added value to pinheads, such as myself.

I don't know what he problem is here. Perhaps they can't find a good source for the scans or they are "dumbing them down" to keep them compatible with the lower end devices.

It certainly shouldn't be a space concern. I scan flyers and game boxes on a regular basis for my website and a 1920x1080px scan at high quality (max-12 on Photoshop) usually takes less than 300KB.

Farsight, if you need better scans for this jus say the word! I've supplied Sega with better insert scans for their collections in the past and would love to help out in any way I can.

When care is taken during scanning and editing, the result can be a nice addition to a great product!
Here's a flyer I scanned for Playmore/SNK a while back. It's much high res than would be needed for 1080p though


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Wow, awesome scan and takes me back to my NeoGeo, I had those 2 games too. Was amazing at the time, rediculous price for games though. Back on topic, please get in touch with FS and offer your services, the current flyers are laughable. Worse still they use these aweful scans as the backgrounds in the table select screen.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
While it's a nice extra, I suppose I can't get too exercised about this, because is a better source for this kind of historical information anyway.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
They are low resolution scans, but it's just an extra and not really worth fixing. There are much more pressing issues with the games that takes precedence over something this minor, such as bug fixes, additional lighting and modes etc.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
They are low resolution scans, but it's just an extra and not really worth fixing. There are much more pressing issues with the games that takes precedence over something this minor, such as bug fixes, additional lighting and modes etc.

I think it's worth fixing other wise it's half-assed and reflects badly on the entire game.
Many people who enjoy this product enjoy the history of the tables (including the employees of Farsight). Pinball flyers are nice to have, but only if they are legible.

I'd fix them or get rid of them, but don't leave them like this!


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I own the flyers for many, if not all, of the tables FarSight is putting into TPA. If it's a hassle for FS to seek out the originals to scan them at higher resolution, I'm sure I could help provide more quality samples. I even have a Big Shot flyer in perfect condition, no fading or creases in the least. FarSight guys, it may sound lame, but feel free to contact me if you think I could provide something useful.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I own the flyers for many, if not all, of the tables FarSight is putting into TPA. If it's a hassle for FS to seek out the originals to scan them at higher resolution, I'm sure I could help provide more quality samples. I even have a Big Shot flyer in perfect condition, no fading or creases in the least. FarSight guys, it may sound lame, but feel free to contact me if you think I could provide something useful.

Sounds like a wining combo to me! :)
I hope these use your resources.


Aug 29, 2012
I don't understand why do people post the flyers if the writing is unreadable? I can't even read a single word. It is becoming a big mess for my eye. I agree with the quality of scanning but what about the visual one? I think one may have to search some other option for this.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I think it's worth fixing other wise it's half-assed and reflects badly on the entire game.
Many people who enjoy this product enjoy the history of the tables (including the employees of Farsight). Pinball flyers are nice to have, but only if they are legible.

I agree. Especially considering that they claim to be trying to preserve pinball history.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I agree. Especially considering that they claim to be trying to preserve pinball history.

Hell yes!

If a jobs worth doing why do a half assed job!.


I don't understand why do people post the flyers if the writing is unreadable? I can't even read a single word. It is becoming a big mess for my eye. I agree with the quality of scanning but what about the visual one? I think one may have to search some other option for this.

I posted that picture as an example of the quality of the low resolution flyer scans in TPA on the consoles. "Not being able to read a single word" was the point of posting.
I'm not sure what you mean about this "I agree with the quality of scanning but what about the visual one?"


New member
May 24, 2012
I agree the scans should be better. Also why are they on an angle? Looks really weird and I too would like to see better quality scans included in the game.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I've long since given up asking for this. I can understand them wanting to keep the size down but they could offer HD downloads within the app for those that want them.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I've long since given up asking for this. I can understand them wanting to keep the size down but they could offer HD downloads within the app for those that want them.

Maybe with the PS4 version this will be addressed?


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Wow, so nice to see other people care about such things. I too don't see the point of the flyers as they are now, the text is unreadable. Perhaps they could include the scans as PDFs? Another idea, provide a link in the extra's menu to the page for the game. At least this would take responsibility away from FS.

I already have the hi-res flyer scans downloaded to my ipad. ;)
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