Free Play.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I was under the understanding that when there was a period after the word Free Play. it indicated a problem within the table. Can anybody go into more detail on this. I've noticed some of the tables have the period and some don't. I'm wondering if there is a way to reset the feature that makes the period show up after Free Play.?


New member
Mar 23, 2013
I read somewhere (can't remember where) that it has to due with the ROM emulation; that it will register a problem when there actually isn't one.
There's not actually a problem, just the way that the software is emulating the ROM.

Someone with more knowledge on the subject is free to correct me though.



FarSight Programmer
Aug 17, 2012
Best I can tell, Mayuh is right, the dot is because the emulation thinks the time & date are not set. I don't have access to mobile dev, so I'm not sure why that's not working. It works (most of the time) on xbox where I do dev work. I've seen it appear on occasion, and could never figure out what's up. I find the dot very annoying though, and would love to get it resolved.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Yes, Time and Date not set.

It's only on Williams pins (the "Williams dot"). I've made a few threads about it before. (It helps to have Pro mode on the tables as well). It goes away if you set the date and time, so go figure.

Oddly, I only see it on the iOS versions. Android, Xbox and PS3 don't have it. There is one table on iOS where the dot isn't there, but on every other Williams/Bally table on iOS, it's there. Happens on both iPhone and iPad. I think I might have seen it on Android and Xbox once in a while, but it's never there when it starts.

So iOS would be where to start debugging as it happens most often there.

(Hey Steve, remember me?)


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Yes, Time and Date not set.

It's only on Williams pins (the "Williams dot"). I've made a few threads about it before. (It helps to have Pro mode on the tables as well). It goes away if you set the date and time, so go figure.

Oddly, I only see it on the iOS versions. Android, Xbox and PS3 don't have it. There is one table on iOS where the dot isn't there, but on every other Williams/Bally table on iOS, it's there. Happens on both iPhone and iPad. I think I might have seen it on Android and Xbox once in a while, but it's never there when it starts.

So iOS would be where to start debugging as it happens most often there.

(Hey Steve, remember me?)

It *does* happen on Android, but as you say it isn't automatically present at game start-up. Perhaps Android somehow sets the ROM clock from the system time. Although I note in the past that for achievements such as Cirqus Member, the date and time the achievement was attained was about 1 month behind the current date/time. So it isn't perfect on Android either ;)

I saw it today on White Water. On Android I've also seen it on NGG when I have played a few games and haven't hit the Hole In One shot. The game detects an issue with the hole switch because I sucked and couldn't hit it regularly enough.

So from that perspective, it's great to see the game ROM working perfectly from an emulation perspective.


if you have pro mode you can go in and do the tests, it is usually the date+time, but White Water also has issues with the Sasquatch head disappearing from being detected in some positions. i think Ryan had a fix for that tho.

TZ still has some Switch 23 issues re: the clock and ball trough optos and that gives the dot.

But the clock is the most consistent issue across all tables. 1 month behind or worse depending on the build.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Thanks Studs...I guess the date & time are no bog deal...You'd think that would be something that would be picked up by the iPad/Nexus 10 etc....

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks Studs...I guess the date & time are no bog deal...You'd think that would be something that would be picked up by the iPad/Nexus 10 etc....

I looked at our code, android devices should be getting date/time correctly. iOS it's not setup right.

Are you seeing this on a Nexux 10?


I looked at our code, android devices should be getting date/time correctly. iOS it's not setup right.

Are you seeing this on a Nexux 10?

Nexus 10, the time and date are always a month behind. Even when manually set in pro mode they don't stay.

This has been raised IDK how many times.

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