Request Fully locked camera

Just Some Guy

New member
Jun 18, 2012
So this has partly been brought on due to the Frankenstein-related bugs in Monster Bash, but it's something I've been thinking about for a while.

It's great that there's an option to lock the camera so that it doesn't follow the ball around, and now there's an option to disable the multiball camera. (was that added recently, or did I just miss it before?)

But it would be nice to completely lock the camera. I find it really distracting when the camera pans over the tables when a special mode is activated, or the way the camera pans up at the start of TotAN/BoP to show you the skill shot.

It seems like you would still need some camera movement when plunging the ball, but I don't see why it needs to zoom in as close as it does—it really only needs to pan over the current camera view so you can see it, rather than changing wildly as it does just now.

A lot of the newer tables seem to only have a button rather than a plunger as well, so they wouldn't even need to change the camera and you could have it completely locked.

Oh, and being able to skip the "free game" sequence at the end of tables would be nice.


New member
May 18, 2012
agree to both (camera being 100% fixed and to skipping the free game sequence)

I'm sure many bugs could be avoided having a fixed camera that doesn't zoom into certain areas of the table




New member
Jun 4, 2012
All for this while i enjoy using the moving cam for having a nosey at the table(hardly needed but im half blind) i find it very off putting in actual gameplay....if i have to look in that errr bops eyes again ill snap! She mocks me


New member
May 5, 2012
If they ever add support for portrait mode, obviously they'd need to allow for a fully locked camera, but it would be nice to have it in the meantime as well.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I agree with the locking camera but like the match sequence. Keeps to the authenticity. This is especially true on the consoles where the lighting is superior. Also, I do like the plunger cam. Especially, if its a manual plunger. I just don't want the camera going there just before the table auto plunges multiball.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The match sequence is part of the end-of-game sequence for the tables; eliminating it may introduce errors if whatever code the ROM runs to reset the table between games doesn't get a chance to execute fully.

I concur with a forcelocked camera. I don't mind the plunger cams when I'm actually plunging, but I don't need to watch the ball autoplunge...I'll be quite aware of its presence once it hits the playfield.


May 23, 2012
Im not upset at a plunge cam, except the way they did it this time is useless. In WPHOF you had like 3 angles to choose from and could get skill shots dialed with practice.

The one in TOTAN is worthless, nothing to do in Black Hole, TOM is a freebie. Only RBION has a plunger you need to be able to see against the measuring stick under the glass....but more tables will be coming. Once Taxi and Funhouse arrive on PS3 I am going to be seriously missing that as it could be a HUGE part of the game.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Im not upset at a plunge cam, except the way they did it this time is useless. In WPHOF you had like 3 angles to choose from and could get skill shots dialed with practice.

The one in TOTAN is worthless, nothing to do in Black Hole, TOM is a freebie. Only RBION has a plunger you need to be able to see against the measuring stick under the glass....but more tables will be coming. Once Taxi and Funhouse arrive on PS3 I am going to be seriously missing that as it could be a HUGE part of the game.

The mobile versions now have three different plunger cams, so those should be coming to consoles in the next updates.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I don't mind the camera angles as they are now, except for when the cam changes for mulitball. I do you see you point though ...with tables without a real plunger, there is no point to have the cam move and a lock would be nice.

As a side note, on The Black Hole, I like the original cam angle the best, guess I just got used to it and even though there is no 'SKILL SHOT' in The Black Hole, my skill shot for that table is trying to hit the left of the three rollovers at the top of the table simply because for me, it is the most difficult rollover to hit once the ball is in play.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Hehe ... well the new cam angles on the Vita are similar to WHOF if I remember correctly. And one of them is a direct overhead close up of the plunger guage, which I am sure will help some people on some tables.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
3 useful cams or 3 different angles on cabinet graphics and coin slots?

Well, you'll have the one you currently have, then one that's angled up a bit more and zoomed in a bit, then this one which is the most useful:


Except you won't need to worry about the carpet making you gag on consoles.


May 23, 2012
Well, you'll have the one you currently have, then one that's angled up a bit more and zoomed in a bit, then this one which is the most useful:


Except you won't need to worry about the carpet making you gag on consoles.

Thats the cam I want. But I wish I could have the carpet, need something to relate to as a gauge for the left side plunger on FH>


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
For the cabinet PC version not only do I hope you can fully lock the camera with no moving whatsoever, but a choice to choose the locked position yourself using a completely free roaming camera, configurable on table by table basis. This will be perfect for a Pin Cab (allowing a kind of VP Layback setting to be easily set).
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
For the cabinet PC version not only do I hope you can fully lock the camera with no moving whatsoever, but a choice to choose the locked position yourself using a completely free roaming camera, configurable on table by table basis. This will be perfect for a Pin Cab (allowing a kind of VP Layback setting to be easily set).

I like your thinking batman....ive got grand plans for a half sized cab..muhaha


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Personally I would like more camera action and movement while I play. I like all the zooming, panning etc... makes me feel more like I'm playing a real table that I can look around on.

So they should also add Excito-Cam technology.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I am all for a fixed camera as well. I can see the brides face change just fine, no need for the close up.

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I am all for a fixed camera as well. I can see the brides face change just fine, no need for the close up.
Especially during Metamorphosis, the whole lighting effect of the table is ruined by the camera zooming in on her face. I've complained about this before.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Yes there should really be an option to lock the camera. It can be really annoying. I was just playing on cirqus voltaire and i succesfully did a bang back for the first time and the other ball was saved so i had a free multiball but i completed wow so the camera zoomed on the ringmaster and i lost the other ball. It sucked. I did not need that damn zoom!

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