Fun with Bonus/History of Pinball


New member
Jul 28, 2013
I stumbled upon the "Fun with Bonus" site a couple days ago, and enjoyed watching an old documentary (VHS source) called "the History of Pinball."

Not sure if it is one of the two videos FS had available for purchase (not seeing video option on new UI), but at any rate, it was worth the watch IMO, and perhaps there's a few of you out there who haven't seen it yet.

Interestingly, at around 49 minutes in, there's a segment featuring Frank Thomas talking about and playing his table, so I figured I'd share the link since the latest table is FTBH.

Forgive me if this has already been mentioned elsewhere... It was just easier to post a new thread rather than searching the forum to avoid redundancy. On the other hand, at least there's something besides bug reporting after clicking "what's new." :p


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
You're right. It is one of the vids that used to exist on TPA. In fact, everytime I play Big Hurt, my mind always wanders to the rambling bs that Frank spews in this vid.

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