360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
I've had this happen to me on Funhouse. I also once had the ball exit the playfield and get placed back on the plunger, but that wasn't game-ending.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Happened twice or thrice in CV for me. Cant say I care really, considering it's placed back in the plunger.

Oh, it's by no means as infuriating as seeing the table suddenly fail to find enough digital pinballs to continue your game, certainly. But it's just kind of jank.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
235m on ball one when the glitch kicked in tonight. It usually happens when 2 balls are locked and the third ball doesn't appear at the plunger.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
235m on first ball this time before the glitch kicked in. It usually happens when you have 2 balls locked. The third doesnt get thrown to the plunger. The games throws the 2 locked balls out and when they drain, that's it.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Had this also happen to me on ios.
Started multiball and game lost track of one ball somewhere.
Calling attendent didn't work. :(
Ball 1 114 milj. Score damn had to restart.
Will this be adressed in the next update?


New member
Jul 29, 2012
They could easily build in a 'quit game now and submit the score' option. Not a fix, but would ease the pain when it happens at higher scores.

this is a very cool and elegant idea.

it makes perfect sense that the ROMs would not have built-in logic for dealing with balls that dematerialize out of traps. i think we all get that such logic would be complicated and need to be tailored for every table, and likely to introduce other unforeseen bugs.

obviously a completely infallible physics engine with mechanisms that function exactly as designed 100% of the time is preferable, but as in the real world, sometimes the unexpected happens. the greater the complexity of the system, the more difficult it is to predict and account for all possible scenarios.
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
But I'm saying you shouldn't be able to submit a score from an unfinished game. Until you see the game over screen, it's not a final score in the game.

this objection would only have merit on tables where it was possible for your score to go down. i don't know if such tables exist, but there aren't any on TPA currently.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
this objection would only have merit on tables where it was possible for your score to go down. i don't know if such tables exist, but there aren't any on TPA currently.
Whodunnit? allows you to bet a part of your score on a roulette game. Road Show lets you use your score to buy items, the object of which is to sell the items back for a multiple of their cost later. A few others do as well. They are all optional features, though. I don't know of any table that simply assesses a penalty on your score.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The situation where the ball flew through the wall in impossible fashion and got replaced on the plunger happened all the time in PHoF. Even more often than in TPA, it seems to me.

But I was just thinking about this, and I don't recall ever encountering the one where the ball goes into a lock or something, and you just don't get another one, and call attendant doesn't work. This seems to be a new issue with TPA that wasn't in PHoF. It feels like it's some kind of state-handling problem, in which TPA thinks the ball is locked but the simulated machine somehow doesn't think the ball is locked. (But that might not explain why ball search can't find it on the emulated tables.)

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I managed 112 million before I lost my nerve, was constantly worrying about getting a lost ball and ruining my game.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I managed 112 million before I lost my nerve, was constantly worrying about getting a lost ball and ruining my game.

was this on ball 1?? i had the same problem t'other night racking up the extra balls keeping on ball 1 for about 30mins and then concern kicked in. i should have played on looking back,but drained my next 2 balls too easily but this is my favourite table on TPA and IRL and i would forgive it for anything it chucks at me,Rudy and myself have history..the annoying head drained all my pocket money all those years ago..

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Happened twice or thrice in CV for me. Cant say I care really, considering it's placed back in the plunger.

Happens like crazy in CV. I've had two balls fly out one after another once.

Ball also flys through solid geometry like the ramp, the whole Juggler area is a mess balls getting stuck and lodged in there.

Worst glitches though is when you get a multiball and the camera sticks in the plunger lane angle. It certainly looks cool to play from that perspective, though lol.

I've wrote extensively about CV. First time I'm reading any type of glitches about FunHouse. I'm only at about 200 million... oh my GOD if I had a score like 3 or 4 hundred million and the game ended, would I be pissed! That has to take 2-3 hours no?


Banned for Multiple Accounts
Aug 29, 2012
About that. There are 2 ways I can approach the table. I can play it loose and go for quick scoring. That's the way I have played it since I found the glitch. I can also play it tight where I can pretty much play it indefinitely. I did that at first and intended to start in the morning and drain the balls when going to sleep or hitting 2b, whatever came first. It can get boring playing that way, but it was to be a one off. Not long after I made this topic, I was playing a game where I planned tp drain at 500m. I got tot 494m when the glitch happened that time. Angry doesn't begin to describe it.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
First game on Funhouse (PS3), and the ball vanishes just after a multiball starts. I shot the ball, and BooM, it vanishes in the middle of the table!! o_O'
I lost a second ball in the right outerlane, and then, the multiball sequence kept going, although there was only one ball one the table.

Ugly bug.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Strangely it's only happened to me once on this game, and believe me the thought of it scared the crap out of me all during my 998 million game.

It's a pervasive bug across several tables. It absolutely destroys EATPM (I had a 400 million+ game ruined by it, still on ball one, with 4 EBs)... had it happen on BOP when I had over 8 billion.

There's been a huge discussion on it, and basically the developers say it's too difficult for them to reproduce consistently, and further, they say that building logic into the game to handle it is more complicated than it might seem.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I have NEVER had this happen.

But here's how i'd implement a more forceful call attendent.

1) ten second delay
2) assuming fun with bonus isn't happening, freeze physics, and snapshot the state of all switches.
3) clear ALL switches that are not places where the ball can be trapped.
4) count balls on such switches.
5) Destroy all balls, and place one on every trap switch that was occupied. Leave those switches DOWN whiel doing this
6) We should find that we are short one ball. place it on the plunger. Game unconfused. :)

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