FX3 WMS Wishlist


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Now that the future of digital WMS recreations is back on track, the return of wishlists is inevitable, so I figured I'd make a thread for them. Not sure if Zen watches this forum, but it can't hurt to get the community feedback ball rolling.

Post your top most wanted Bally/Midway/Williams tables you'd like to see recreated in Zen Studios' Pinball FX3.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
They do indeed watch this forum. A few of their employees are official members now and we’ve been working closely with them leading up to the launch.
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New member
Feb 19, 2013
Obviously indy, but my personal 2-5 would be

2. The shadow
3. Bad cats
4. Congo
5. Radical!

Honorable mention of popeye

Admittedly I'll buy anything they put out so I'm not picky.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
My top 10.

- Indiana Jones
- Tales of Arabian nights
- theathre of Magic
- Circus volteire
- T2
- T3
- medieval madness
- monsterbash
- adams family
- attack from mars


Sep 19, 2014
For tables that didn't make it to TPA, Indy for sure and the Shadow. I don't know if Pinball 2000 would be worth it, but I've been curious about Revenge from Mars.

But I'd love to see most of the Season 1-2 tables get a fresh coat of paint, Monster Bash for sure, and Cirqus Voltaire would look great with updated lighting.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
-Monster Bash - the toys on the Farsight version are awful and I thought so since it first released
-Twilight Zone - brutal physics would help this one a lot
-Creature From the Black Lagoon - but only if Zen gets all 5 of the songs. Well, I would still like to see it anyway, but licensing all of the songs would make it much more sweet.
-Big Guns
-Jive Time - I think if everyone teamed up to push the Jive Time agenda on Zen, the world would be a better place.
-And, oh yeah, Indiana Jones would be cool and seems like a good possibility with Zen’s relationship with Disney.
-And Revenge From Mars
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
For tables that didn't make it to TPA, Indy for sure and the Shadow. I don't know if Pinball 2000 would be worth it, but I've been curious about Revenge from Mars.

But I'd love to see most of the Season 1-2 tables get a fresh coat of paint, Monster Bash for sure, and Cirqus Voltaire would look great with updated lighting.

If they do Pinball 2000, it would almost be a certainty that we would get The Phantom Menace, they have done a lot of work with the Star Wars IP, and I'm sure it would be done right by them, as the whole Pinball 2000 gimmick is more or less what Zen has always done with their games anyway.

They do indeed watch this forum. A few of their employees are official members now and we’ve been working closely with them leading up to the launch.

It's great that they are watching. I hope they make good with it too.

It's a bit strange to see the Pinball Arcade branding leave this site though, but understandable, it seems that they are rolling off like deep bass from a cheap subwoofer. It's been a long ride with Farsight, but they have spread themselves too thin I guess.

As for Williams tables that I want to see released, I want Triple Strike, that's all. They are leading off with my favorite machine of all time (HS2) and hopefully we can get Eight Ball Deluxe fairly quickly.


New member
Oct 5, 2017
My top 10:
The Shadow
Indiana Jones
Flash Gordon
Mousin' Around!
Bad Cats

Also will gladly welcome any S1/S2 tables that critically needed improvement, like Monster Bash.


New member
Feb 19, 2013
Pinball 2000 tables are the perfect olive branch between current fans that love goofy s*it in their tables and the die hards that want recreations.

Personally since farsight went to a drop in news/ table releases I've been dying for more tables. We'll never be at a monthly release schedule again but zen dropping as few tables here and there will go a long way between farsight stern releases. As a fan of digital pinball I couldn't be happier.

Also a couple of you suggested fire, such a fun table.


New member
Oct 7, 2014
When people say they want Indiana Jones, are you referring to the older or newer table? I played the newer one at California Extreme for the first time with the Ark of the Covenant exploding out balls, and it was awesome. I love the old one, but I'd take the new one for sure.


Apr 4, 2015
What I want too see besides the four in the demo:

Indiana Jones
Addams Family Gold
F-14 Tomcat
Monster Bash
Tales from the arabian nights
Attack from Mars
Eight Ball Deluxe

and tbh I won't be mad about anything else.

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