Galaxy S4 vs ipad 3

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I don't mean to troll android, but between my sister, and now two of my friends, both of whom only have Android devices 2 years old at most, they were getting a stuttering 30fps, screen tear, and awful colour. It was, imo, unplayable.

Compare that with iOS where you can run it butter smooth 60 fps on an ancient iPhone 4... yeah.

Not trying to start a flame war, just stating what I've experienced.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I have TPA on just about everything and i usually play on my nexus 7; sometimes my Asus tf700 which is good but not quite as good as the N7. My iPhone 5 is just buttery smooth but to small for super extended IMHO. On my wife's iPad 2 it is just as smooth but not quite as pretty. Best full screen play is on the 360 but its playable on the ps3 if you can adjust to the sluggish responsiveness is the best way I can describe it.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012

Your statement isn't exaclty fair. You need to remember that many many many hardware platforms run android, to there are 2 year old devices that were wonderful and 2 year old devices that were garbage.

What devices exactly do you sister and 2 friends use?

That said, back when the iphone 4 (just over 2 years old and most definitely NOT run TPA very well anymore by the way, though not sure how the 4s is coping these days as that will be much nearer to the 2 year mark) was released, there wasn't an android device that could really compare to it (since the hardware was really nice and ran an os designed just for it). Android has come a long long way and the current devices run TPA very very well. That said, the incredible S didn't run it well at all ever, was completely juttery.

It's comparing apples and oranges though. There's only 2 current devices and maybe 6 fully supported devices that run ios compared to countless Android devices that are not created equally.

In my experience:

iPhone4: Plays well about half the time, more complex tables start to degrade performance and the sudden frame rate drop issue happens quite a lot. Shake nudging could be easily correlated to suicide statistics.

Galaxy S3: Plays better than the iPhone (as it well and should) but that "all of a sudden" framerate issue (which is solved by pausing and unpausing but still annoying as hell) still occurs though not as often as on the iphone 4. Shake nudging is still pretty crappy overall.

Note 2: Overall a good experience. Yes the frame drop issue mentioned twice already happens but seems to be less frequent. Shake nudging is still not optimal due to some delay but the best experience I've personally had on a phone. My biggest nitpick on this phone is the terrible filtering near mid table at low angles, resulting in blurry textures in that portion of the table. This is not a problem when tables are viewed from more of a top down angle (it's the Mali chipset apparently and i'm pretty sure that TPA is largely optimized for tegra devices)

iPad Mini: Plays beautifully, yes it is silky smooth, no complaints in my limited experience (short play time on ToTAN only). Shake nudging may result in an overpriced apple branded frisbee.

Nexus7: Absolutely Beautiful. Shame we can't claim a "retina" or high DPI display. But all tables run silky smooth (videos above were recorded at 60fps on the N7 but of course youtube reduces that to 30fps)
Occasionally I do get the dropped frame issue, but it is very occaisonally and it is resolved by pausing and unpausing. ( I think you can see this in the RBION video even).
Shake nudging is flawless, even more so now that it's been reversed (took a day or so to get used to it though).

XBOX 360: Keeping in mind that I only have a 720p display, it plays very nicely, Nudging has no issues other than it tends to be forgiving. Aside from the lack of releases and the fact that now fixed bugs remain unfixed due to said lack of releases, I can more than forgive the landscape orientation (come on people, until VP came along that was the only view we could use as it is). Personally, even with the option available if it ever is, I'm not willing to rotate a 50" plasma screen. That, and if I don't have a 1:1 (perfectly square pixels) pixel ratio it probably isn't going to look that good anyway.

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