Game Order


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Ok I know it's not important but it's bugged me for ages.

On the screen, the games are lined up in alphabetical order. Great! Under the Hall of Fame points, the games are lined up in the order they were released on TPA. Also great, makes complete sense. When you look at the leaderboards on Farsight's website, it's not exactly the same (games in the same table pack are often reversed) but it's no big deal, it still makes perfect sense.

But when you are in a table and jump to the leaderboards from there, and then click for the next table, and the next, and the next etc, the order is all screwed up. Any particular reason?

As I said, it only matters to nerds like me who like to track my scores, points and table positions. It's how I like to choose my next table, I go for the ones where my position is lowest, or where my point score can be significantly improved easiest.

HOF points: table order for first ten is TOTAN RBION BH TOM BOP MM CV FH GORGAR MB BK.....
Leaderboards from table, ten tables starting at TOTAN .... MM NGG BOP HD3 RBION BH TOM CV CFTBL MB TZ..

There's probably a good explanation, but if it's easily done, could FS please align the order to make it easier for me to go down my lists in order by clicking next table instead of jumping around?

P.S. Come on The Netherlands!
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Ok I know it's not important but it's bugged me for ages.

On the screen, the games are lined up in alphabetical order. Great! Under the Hall of Fame points, the games are lined up in the order they were released on TPA. Also great, makes complete sense. When you look at the leaderboards on Farsight's website, it's not exactly the same (games in the same table pack are often reversed) but it's no big deal, it still makes perfect sense.

But when you are in a table and jump to the leaderboards from there, and then click for the next table, and the next, and the next etc, the order is all screwed up. Any particular reason?

As I said, it only matters to nerds like me who like to track my scores, points and table positions. It's how I like to choose my next table, I go for the ones where my position is lowest, or where my point score can be significantly improved easiest.

HOF points: table order for first ten is TOTAN RBION BH TOM BOP MM CV FH GORGAR MB BK.....
Leaderboards from table, ten tables starting at TOTAN .... MM NGG BOP HD3 RBION BH TOM CV CFTBL MB TZ..

There's probably a good explanation, but if it's easily done, could FS please align the order to make it easier for me to go down my lists in order by clicking next table instead of jumping around?

P.S. Come on The Netherlands!

I can explain the order difference. I'm not sure how involved it is to fix since it's not my code. I'll pass on the suggestion though.

Each table has an ID number. The first table is Gorgar at ID = 1. Next table is Pin*Bot = 2 and so on up until we get to TOTAN which is 11, MM is 12, NGG 13, BOP 14. You can probably see where this is going. So the leaderboards are "sorted" by table ID, and table ID is based on in what order we added the tables. You are probably wondering why TOTAN is 11 since it's the first table. That's because the first 13 ID's came from PHOF. Gorgar through NGG.

There is a way to fix it, I'm just not knowledgeable enough of the leaderboard code to do it quickly.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Thanks Mike, much appreciated. The order is not the same as the order of release though, so maybe I am not understanding what you mean by 'adding the tables'.

For what it's worth, by my reckoning yes if you start at the screen with total points and position (mine currently 20,527 and 29th) the next table is GORGAR at 1 and Pinbot 2 but then it goes 3 BK 4 FH 5 SpSh 6 TAXI 7 WWind 8 FP 9 TOTAN 10 MM

11 NGG 12 BOP 13 HD3 14 RBION 15 BH 16 TOM 17 CV 18 CFTBL 19 MB 20 TZ
21 AFM 22 BS 23 CC 24 CP 25 CPub 26 DD 27 EATPM. 28 Genie 29 ScSt 30 STTNG
31 Victory 32 WH2O

etc god I'm a sad bastard :)

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Sorry, They aren't necessarily in the order we released them. They are in an order based on when someone said "the next few tables are ___" and I added a whole bunch at a time. There are also ID's for tables we haven't done because at one point someone said we were planning to do them, but they haven't been made yet.

Also, Table ID 9 is Sorcerer and Table ID 10 is Jive Time, cause when we started I copied from PHOF, but we haven't done those tables. 14 is Bride cause we originally planned to do Bride in PHOF, but swapped it for Gofers (not sure the reason). When we started PBA, I started adding tables based on manufacturer. SO harley and ripleys were next (cause I knew we were doing both), then Black Hole which was the first gottlieb one we re-did. Then TOM which was the first bally. Then after that it was whatever they told me was up coming.
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New member
Sep 9, 2013
Sorry, They aren't necessarily in the order we released them. They are in an order based on when someone said "the next few tables are ___" and I added a whole bunch at a time. There are also ID's for tables we haven't done because at one point someone said we were planning to do them, but they haven't been made yet.

Also, Table ID 9 is Sorcerer and Table ID 10 is Jive Time, cause when we started I copied from PHOF, but we haven't done those tables. 14 is Bride cause we originally planned to do Bride in PHOF, but swapped it for Gofers (not sure the reason). When we started PBA, I started adding tables based on manufacturer. SO harley and ripleys were next (cause I knew we were doing both), then Black Hole which was the first gottlieb one we re-did. Then TOM which was the first bally. Then after that it was whatever they told me was up coming.

Interesting insight. That explains why BOP was in table pack #1, I always thought it was an unusual choice for the very first DLC.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Thank you for the explanation Mike. It's always good to hear from Farsight Employees in the forums. Keep up the great work!

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