Bug Game reverts to launch view during Final Frontier



How is FF unplayable when if it gets locked in the plunger view?

Unlike every other table STTNG allows the user to have full control of both flippers from the plunger screen. This gives you the ability to salvage the game and play through the view shift until it pulls back out.

Completely unlike AFM, which gives you L FLipper control, or TZ which gives NO flipper control. Which would you, relativistically, call unplayable in similar situations given the comparative infos?


How is FF unplayable when if it gets locked in the plunger view?

Unlike every other table STTNG allows the user to have full control of both flippers from the plunger screen. This gives you the ability to salvage the game and play through the view shift until it pulls back out.

Completely unlike AFM, which gives you L FLipper control, or TZ which gives NO flipper control. Which would you, relativistically, call unplayable in similar situations given the comparative infos?

Sorry for my crappy english and flipper term knowledge. In the game I had with ball control on, the camera got locked in similar way that OTHER tables plunger view is like. In other words, only bottom right side of the table is shown. At least I found it quite hard to do FF that way, with only a tiny right fliper to flip with. Never had this particular bug before, only the standard weird zooming out on the begining of FF which I always get.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
I have also seen this on PS3 - it seems to be the same behavior, although as noted at least you can see the flippers and enough of the table when this happens that you can keep things going until it clears.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I had the same thing happen at the start of Borg Multiball.

EDIT: I turned Multiball Camera ON and the regular camera lock off, and since then I've seen the camera switch to the launcher cam for a few seconds three times (maybe 33% of the times I've started it?) at the start of Borg Multiball, but then it goes back to the regular multiball camera position. So maybe this is a workaround--more testing needed to confirm I guess.
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New member
Mar 8, 2012
Well FF is unplayable for me on PS3. About 5 times in a row now FF gets stuck on plunger cam. It seems like the more artifacts you have the more likely it is to get stuck, or maybe that is just coincidence. When I was new to the table and getting to FF with 2-3 artifacts, I never saw this problem. Now that I am getting there with 5-8 artifacts it get stuck every single time without fail.

I play with locked cam #3 and I have it set so that the camera does not change for multiball if that is useful info.

Shame as this is my top 1 or 2 table and at this point I really have no desire to play it anymore. Hopefully this gets fixed.

David Smith

New member
Feb 28, 2012
This bug is still present in the iOS 1.2.6 version. A new version of the table did download, so I'd hoped there was a fix. Sadly, with Multiball Camera set to "OFF", every time Final Frontier starts the view still locks to the plunger until all but one ball is lost.


Thought this might have been fixed with the new update but it's still present on android.

The list of unplayable tables sure isn't getting any shorter. :mad:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I really struggle with this table. I don't hit final frontier very often. So it's a little depressing to hit this bug when I finally do make it to FF. I think I will be shelving this table until it gets fixed.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
OMG! This #($* bug has not been fixed yet? 6 months later?? Yes, love new tables. But for the love of all that's good, I wish they would fix the GLARING bugs like this one on tables we've already purchased!

On my Nexus 10 (JB 4.2.2), with Multiball off, Locked at High, and Event Camera off, FF still goes to plunger cam; ARG!


New member
Sep 5, 2012
I had this bug happen to me for the first time ever today. I think it has to do with the fact that I turned multiball camera off. Before doing that, FF had always worked for me without any bugs.

To the people getting the bug, try turning multiball camera on, maybe that will fix it.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I recently started playing this table again and I've been struck with the bug a couple of times too. I play on PS3. After getting bitten with it twice, I decided to tinker with the settings and setted multiball camera and event camera to ON. I haven't had the problem since and I've had Final Frontier about 8 times today.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Hum... Ugly bug.

The camera stays locked to the launch view EACH TIME I start Final Frontier. I play with the locked camera 2, multiball camera disabled.

I did not try to turn off the camera event (useful on this particular table), because I presume it changes nothing (as the launch view is not an event...).

EDIT: I didn't see the "multiball camera" trick... So, I will try to turn on the multiball camera. But it's a tedious thing, as the setting is related to all tables (so you have to turn it on or off each time you start a table).
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
I've played this table more than any other, gotten the final frontier literally hundreds of times. My high score is 74 billion (first place in the current tournament so far) ... And for some reason I have never once encountered this bug. I mean obviously this bug exists, but there must be something that makes it happen that im not doing. I'm always careful during FF to not hit both flippers at once, and I usually don't bother using the trigger. Wonder if that makes a difference. I'm on ipad2.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I had this issue on iPad3 with previous versions of TPA, but it's fixed for me now.

And for some reason I have never once encountered this bug. I mean obviously this bug exists, but there must be something that makes it happen that im not doing.

This bug has been fixed on mobile versions, many months ago.

It's still there on the PS3 version, and it seems it will never be adressed (like a lot of others bugs). And with the upcoming PS4 version, I think PS3 players will have to deal with it.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It's been so long since I've played this table, I've forgotten to test this.

But yes, this problem STILL exists.

IPad4/iOS6, TPA 2.8.0

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