Fixed Game runs too fast


New member
Nov 11, 2012
The game now runs at an exact, constant 61.8 FPS. This technically eliminates the speed issue.

Any chance the game will be changed so that the simulation speed isn't locked to the framerate? I'm betting that the game running normal speed at 120 FPS looks fantastic.


Apr 21, 2013
Any chance the game will be changed so that the simulation speed isn't locked to the framerate?

I hope so. I certainly wouldn't mind being able to use better graphics, even though my framerate would be a little bit lower than 60.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
The game now runs at an exact, constant 61.8 FPS. This technically eliminates the speed issue.

Any chance the game will be changed so that the simulation speed isn't locked to the framerate? I'm betting that the game running normal speed at 120 FPS looks fantastic.

That would require a bit of physics rework. It may be possible to get it to work locking at 120 fps, but I would need a setup to do some extensive testing. Any changes involving physics become a bit risky....especially with 30+ tables already tuned with what we have.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Are the 120hz issues any better with Vs 0.009 that was just released?
It's resolved for me... now frame-rate is locked at 61.8. I hope this is a temp fix, and that true 120 Hz / FPS can be supported in the future. The way a pinball moves is perfect for a high frame rate (HFR).

Here is an experiment to illustrate that anyone can do:

Move your mouse cursor back and forth rapidly. Notice that rather than smooth motion, you see multiple cursors. Now move your finger back and forth in front of your screen. Notice it doesn't skip like your mouse (well it will if you have an old CRT, but the back light on most LCDs is more constant). When the pinball bounces around real fast, it's the same effect as your mouse cursor. You see the ball flickering across the screen 60 times per second.

Now, with 120 FPS, it still flickers, but twice as fast, so the cursor/ball looks way more smooth and it has to move way faster before it appears to skip, and even when it does, there are twice as many skips so they are closer together and way more natural-looking.

That's why some of us spend extra bucks on 120Hz monitors. Mine does 3D, but I don't even use that much... I just love the 120Hz. :D :D :D

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