Request General Wish List Thread


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Five Requests:

(1) Not sure about the ETA on that UI update, but one thing that would be nice for the current system would be the ability to press the secondary flipper keys to jump to the next lettered table. (Ex: Pressing RB on Big Shot would send you straight to Cactus Canyon)

The flipper buttons are already used to navigate the table menu so this feels like a logical extension of that in my mind.

(2) Rotating DMD display. I play portrait and while I do love the nice and big DMD display in-game it has a bad habit of obscuring my ball when it reaches the top of the field. What I propose is as the ball reach the top of the field or near the DMD, skew the DMD in such a way that it essentially tucks itself out of the way a little bit. It would look something like the pictures below except vertical. This would allow the player to still have the DMD at all time without it being obtrusive or resorting to moving it to another place off to the side.

ZnJvbT1jbmJsb2dzJnVybD1jbWJ3NVNNd0FYYXNaV0xrSlhZaj  l5YnlSbWJoTlhaazlDTXhBak12Y21jdjV5YzVGMmQwSWpMaGxH  WmwxMkx2b0RjMFJIYQ.jpg

(3) Analog stick support in the menus. I'm not sure why this isn't already implemented, but come on guys. The d-pad on a 360 controller is terrible for basically everything. Let me use my stick.

(4) Official mod support. I don't mean player modification of the game per se. What I would love to see is the ability to customize our pinball tables in much the same way as people do in real life. Different lights, adding little toys off to the side, color DMDs, swapping the cue ball with the eight ball in Cue Ball Wizard, etc. None of these mods would change the game play in any way. Like custom balls they would just allow the tables to have a bit more customization. If this was what DLC was for this game, I'm sure cash would be made on color DMDs alone.

The guys at have been doing an amazing job converting old DMDs to color and I think this could be a lucrative partnership for all parties involved.

(5) Table exploration for all tables. I understand not having certain pro features for older tables, but not being able to look around them all is a huge bummer to people who actually bought the pro season packs.

Mod support is unlikely because of Farsight's licensing contract for the tables from the manufacturers. Their contacts all have a clause that only allows them to distribute the tables as they were in production. FarSight has even had to go back and patch mistakes that they made because their sample table was modded. This clause protects the manufacturers from lawsuits resulting from objects being used in the game that someone else owns the rights to.


New member
May 26, 2015
Inspired by the IFPA tournament format, I'd love to see a "Pinball Golf" mode added, either as a new tournament format or as a single-player mode. For those few of you who don't know, here's how Pinball Golf works:

You have a bank of nine tables, or "holes", set to 5-ball play, with each table having a "target score". The goal is to reach the target score on each table in as few balls, or "strokes", as possible. Achieving the target score on ball 5 is considered "Par"; each ball before that is -1 stroke. If the target score is not achieved in 5 balls, the ending score is used to determine the number of additional strokes earned. Typically, for every 20% of the target score, one additional stroke is added (so, for instance, say the target score for Big Shot was 50,000 points. An ending score of 40,000 - 49,999 would result in a hole score of +1, 30,000 - 39,999 would be +2, 20,000 - 29,999 would be +3, so on and so forth). After all nine tables, your scores are summed up to obtain the total score for the course.

If nothing else, it's a fun tournament format that's a nice breath of fresh air from the standard "high score" format.


New member
Jan 15, 2016
Would like to see VR support added with the Oculus Rift for PC and PlayStation VR for PlayStation 4. Move the camera in real-time to the movement of your head like as if you were viewing a real pinball machine.


New member
Jan 19, 2016
One option I'd really like?

Being able to adjust tilt sensitivity.

Yes, I know that would only be possible for those with the Pro upgrade in Operator Mode, thus making players ineligible for leaderboards and such. I'm fine with that.

It's just, TPA's nudging is VERY forgiving, and while I appreciate the Tilt Meter's presence, I really wish I could lower the threshold for warnings and outright tilts.

Instead, we just have the option to turn off tilting altogether, if we get all the Wizard Goals.

I'd rather just be able to make it easier to tilt if I shelled out the extra money for the Pro version.


Oct 31, 2015
A few minor suggestions, mostly stat related.

- Personal Monthly high score. This would be nice to keep self-competitive. Just two or three top scores for the last 30 days with the date of the score. Some of us aren't super human and are fighting against ourselves not the top 100 on a table.

- Achievements and high scores during a tournament being applied to the Table itself. Once again, just an average player, so I can actually set a personal high score during a Tournament. Heck, I think I've only met the 20 minute limit a few times.

- Score percentile reported at the end of a game. This would be a number showing what percentile your last game was compared to the Top Overall / Monthly / Weekly score.

- An explanation as to why it says "saving" at the end of every pinball game. What is it saving?

Ben Logan

New member
Jun 2, 2015
Ball spin, harder ramp shots (no vacuum), more realistically difficult live-catch.

Adjustable table slope would be a killer bonus.


New member
May 23, 2015
Ability to change backgrounds, maybe real world ones like PHoF, PAPA HQ (you could have a fantasy PAPA Circuit Finals or even a virtual tournament )...

Maybe a separate program that would recreate the really old Bagatelle era tables (Jigsaw, Bumper, Ballyhoo, etc.)


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Apologies if this has been posted before (I read 3 pages back in this thread). Simple idea but really nice to have (thanks to Relaxation for the idea): have the pause menu display the real score while playing. This would be very nice to have on tables which roll over scores. For example it's very hard to keep track of your score on Whodunnit while playing, especially with the incrementing bonus. Other tables are F14 Tomcat, HSII etc.


New member
May 9, 2016

i hope this is the right place to post. i'm sure, it was posted before, but i didn't find it.

can you please, please work on and install that head-2-head mode?
i know so many ppl waiting for it!... playing together like in the pub in the old days...

best wishes,


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012

i hope this is the right place to post. i'm sure, it was posted before, but i didn't find it.

can you please, please work on and install that head-2-head mode?
i know so many ppl waiting for it!... playing together like in the pub in the old days...

best wishes,

I assume it will coming in the next few months when the rumored Soccer pin makes its appearance.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
this seemed like a good "general request" if not already done here before...

but, -why- not tournaments on a more constant basis, acrost all the platforms? :0 there should be much less downtime between tournies in the digital realm... just wonderin', tonight. (sure, i understand, a bit more finger-managerial work... but it's not like as much the old days, confirming on-site scoring... i just feel like, if i've been on a ps3-tourney kick, there should only be a week's lag till the next one. can y'all dig?? :)


New member
Apr 15, 2014
this seemed like a good "general request" if not already done here before...

but, -why- not tournaments on a more constant basis, acrost all the platforms? :0 there should be much less downtime between tournies in the digital realm... just wonderin', tonight. (sure, i understand, a bit more finger-managerial work... but it's not like as much the old days, confirming on-site scoring... i just feel like, if i've been on a ps3-tourney kick, there should only be a week's lag till the next one. can y'all dig?? :)

p.s. i guess unless that violates common league rules... let me know, asap. :)


New member
Jul 8, 2016
request chinese version
i know pinball in asia maybe not very popular,but i think this should isn't a undue request,i want better understand history of pinball by my native tongue
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