Bug Genie drops ball straight down the middle


Apr 12, 2012
Forgive me if this has been posted before but I did not see it:

Tonight, for the second time on the PS3 version of TOTAN, I made a shot where I hit the genie. The ball was properly grabbed by the magnet there. However, the game then released the ball - straight down the middle drain. Pretty sure that's not what's supposed to happen :)



New member
Apr 11, 2012
NUDGE IT. The ball is always heading where you don't want it to go. Nudge way in advance when it looks like its heading that way.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Nudging isn't a "hail mary"move that you might use once or twice per game. It's an integral move you use constantly to make sure the ball doesn't hit a slingshot or bounces of the top of the in/outlane seperator or prevent a straight middle drain. I'm always ready to nudge when hitting the toys (the toys especially are meant to be a middle-drain risk) in TOTAN, TOM, RBION and MM, or when I see a ramp return a ball in fury.

Which makes me hope the mobile OS's get swipe nudging so we can direct the nudge to where we want.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I hope by swipe nudging you would have to move both thumbs and return them to center that way you can nudge the table effectively (back and forth even, and up) and still hold on to your flippers, or, you can hold one flipper and slide your thumb around to nudge so that one can stay down.

I remember early on on the FB page, some people complaining about the games becoming "nudge fests" and i never really got that, if you look at the videos for PAPA, they shake and nudge every single shot.

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