Ghostbusters pinball feedback

Ghostbusters highlights the humor of the original Ghostbusters film released in 1984. It was designed by John Trudeau to be easy to play but difficult to master


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Good to know Azatoth, that dispels one of the main fears of probably a lot of TPA fans. Just shows we care a lot about our new hobby :)


New member
Jun 30, 2013
surprised they didn't add a payment option for buying an extra ball.
Of corse not; I already bought all the extra balls, LOL! ;)

In all seriousness, buying multiballs would be a double slap to the gamer. It would be like a gamer walks up to a pinball table at the arcade. Instead of the age old "one quarter = one play ; two quarters = three plays" in order to lure gamers with extra coin, it said, "deposit one quarter for single ball play; two quarters for multiball play" Either way you'll get to play three balls, but you have to pay extra for the privledge of getting them all at once, with the additional perk to the operator/owner that not only did it charge more, but your game will be over sooner... :rolleyes:
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Wouldn't they make more money by just making it a timed demo and then pay to unlock like all the other tables? Are people really going to pay for tokens or for a day's access? I just don't see it all.

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
I really don't think this was designed and released to be a money-maker-nor do they think it is all that fantastic. It's just an effort to show what some of their people have been up to in regards to making original tables down the road and little more. The price structure is really moot as few people would want to play the hell out of this (I assume) and if they do, then something needs to be in play... :)


Staff member
May 29, 2013
I think it's a way of getting a bigger customer base for TPA. Double Tokens for installing TPA? Cool... Oh, there is another free table? And a free table per month?

But some things need to be fixed:

- The App doesn't have an exit function and it won't even close using the "Back" Button.
- High Score isn't shown immediately on the main screen. It still says "No Score". Takes a long time to update.
- Just tried to start the game again - black screen - crash. Only started after forcing a close in the task manager. This error happens every time I get out of the game with the Home-Button and try to start it again later. Should be fixed ASAP, unless FarSight wants people to uninstall the game faster than they installed it.
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Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Wouldn't they make more money by just making it a timed demo and then pay to unlock like all the other tables? Are people really going to pay for tokens or for a day's access? I just don't see it all.

Not one of their better ideas lol


New member
May 10, 2012
I normally hate tokens in games but for some strange reason I have no problem with it here. It could be that pinball machines are made for tokens in the first place or it could also be that I find GB a fun little app that is an ok experience, but it is nothing I just have to own. If this had been something I cherished a lot, I would probably have felt a little different about the tokens system, and I am pretty sure that if this was something Farsight had spent a lot of time, money, sweat and tears over, they would have made it possible to buy it.

I see this as a quick marked possibility that they can use to bring in more customers to the real deal

I would have liked them to give out free tokens for specials, like the real thing, though


New member
Jun 12, 2012
Hopefully, one of you can help me out. I can't seem to locate GB in the iTunes store or anywhere else on my iPad. I've logged in and out of both the iPad and TPA a number of times, but it still doesn't show. Any ideas?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Have you searched for Ghostbusters Pinball in the App Store? An alternate way is to search for Pinball Arcade in the App Store. From the search results, tap on the Pinball Arcade app, then tap on the "Related" tab. That should bring up both Pinball Arcade Free along with Ghostbusters Pinball.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I normally hate tokens in games but for some strange reason I have no problem with it here.
Same here. I used 5 tokens yesterday playing the game initially and this morning (@4:30a), I was already back up to 9. When I get home from work, I should be at over 12 or so. I don't see myself playing more than a few games a day or so, especially with TPA games at my disposal as well.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The biggest issue with GB Pinball is that it looks and feels rushed.

I can understand why it had to happen so quickly: FS execs wanted to make sure the table was out in time for Halloween. Pushing it out with a week to go means that the table has time to gain traction and get to the top of any "Ghostbusters" search in the Play Store or AppStore, they also have an extra week to iron out any game-breaking bugs and serious issues that may surface.

Unfortunately, that's resulted in a product that doesn't feel ready. It's not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. This has been going on for over 30 years in the video game market (Atari 2600 E.T. anyone?!).

Now, some of these things end up working out and stabilize and get better. Maybe some of the missing features brought up during beta testing will come to fruition; particularly the "traditional" use of replays, specials, and matches. Time will tell with GB Pinball, but I'm not optimistic - unless FS can hire a second Android developer to support @scumble and presumably a counterpart on the iOS side.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I woke up and played it again and broke my high score and completed all the basic table goals. I am in 271st place on the leader board and plan on playing it a bit today. I have 8 credits right now with about an hour left to receive the bonus tokens! MadScience2006 do you receive 1 or 2 tokens every 4 hours for having The Pinball Arcade app? I also hope this app reaches the top 200 free apps list on iTunes. I noticed they had a list of Halloween game apps up on iTunes and this didn't make the list.:mad:
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
I noticed that the table scaling between devices is a bit "off", both on my devices as well as the screenshots below:

On the iPhone in portrait mode (in my case, iPhone 5), the screen is stretched in the portrait direction compared to the iPad. You can clearly see this in the above link if you look at the on-screen token in the iPhone screenshots compared to token in the iPad screenshots. On the iPhone, it looks more like an oval than a circle. In landscape mode on the iPhone though, everything is fine.
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New member
Sep 9, 2013
1 token every 4 hours, just like the countdown timer displays. I believe non TPA players earn 1 token every 8 hours.

Is it up to a maximum number? Or do tokens time out? Just download the game, leave it for a week and you have 42 tokens.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I mean, really? The graphics suck. The 3d models look, well, flat. We get the same call outs over and over again. In today's digital age, there should be room for many more.This game looks like it was slapped together in photoshop.

And it looks quite cheap. Kind of fan-made.

That's the first thing I thought watching the video posted in this thread. The insert of the four ghostbusters is just ugly. It looks like a bad copy-paste in Photoshop.

And the sounds are just annoying because the original HH wasn't designed to have voice acting, but only electronical sounds. So, in this Ghostbusters mod, you hear the same sentences again and again and again. Irritating.

The app is fortunately free (it explains why it's so far from the TPA quality - btw, this mod table is not a good advertising for TPA, imo). And I can't conceive someone pays for tokens, moreover for an average product.
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