Ghostbusters reaaaaaaaaaaally slow on my tablet...


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Hi guys

So I didn't buy the last two seasons on android, but I did on steam.

Ghostbusters came and it's great, So I wanted to play it on my tablet.

I have a galaxy tab s 10.5, and I don't understand why, it's really not smooth... and when slimer starts to move on the table, I'm down to really slow fps.

Every other tables runs perfectly.

My older android phone (I just changed recently), a huawei P8 (2015 version) runs ghostbusters perfectly.

If I compare the two devices with antutu the p8 score is 43209 and the samsung tablet is 46238 so the tablet is slighty more powerfull...

does anyone else have this kind of issue???


Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Ghostbusters is a really demanding table.
I have the same issue on my old Note 4 SM-N910F - soon as features kick in like slimer or the magnets, everything slows and you can see the lag. But give the game more processor power, and it doesn't slow.
It plays great on my Shield K1.

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I understand that this table is the most demanding for power...

what I don't get is why on my old phone it runs good, but on the tablet with a little more power into it, it runs bad...


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I just thought of something
the phone runs in full hd 1920/1080
the tablet runs at 2560 x 1600

maybe it is the bigger resolution that takes too much power?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Probably a Samsung governing issue. They can be extremely conservative with how hard they will allow cpu gpu to run.

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Is there any way of tweaking this without rooting the device?

On my previous tablet I rooted it but there is an app that I use a lot that won't work on a rooted device

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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Samsung are a pain in the @rse. I love the hardware and quality, but the company really spoil the experience.
Latest trick Samsung did to me was they pushed an update to a 2.5yr old phone. Supposedly an upgrade but it completely breaks the bootloader, so now the device is a nightmare if you turn it off. Approx 1 in 10 boots now works, and if the screen goes off the processor shuts down.
Contacted Samsung and they deny it being their update, and just keep telling you the motherboard is shot.
Luckily I found this app 'Wakelock'
It keeps the cpu from sleep so the device is at least able to be used again.
Read the reviews in this app - its had 100k downloads and most are Note4 users, and these are just the ones who didn't throw their device away and buy a Note 8. I've tried factory resets but it's the bootloader thats goosed.
This has to be a planned obsolescence push, not that I want to sound paranoid. Who would update a 2 1/2 yr old device unless to kill it off and force some new purchases.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy Samsung. I'm tied in on a sim only plan to this device for another 6-7 months but I think I'll get a pixel or something different next time.
Vote with your wallets - stop buying Samsung.

I thought about rooting this, but if the bootloader is toast it isn't going to help I don't think. At least it works again with 'Wakelock'. Just don't power off or run out of juice.

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Is there any way of tweaking this without rooting the device?

On my previous tablet I rooted it but there is an app that I use a lot that won't work on a rooted device

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Adjusting voltages and kernel settings is only possible with root access.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
My last Samsung phone was a s3... Since then I'm gone with Huawei and never looked back...
My tablet still runs fine for what I use it with...
Just Ghostbusters that is ****ed...

When the tablet dies the next one won't be a Samsung for sure!

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Feb 13, 2013
Try to change the power consumption settings, so that the Tablet can use the power for the game.

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