Ghostbusters Table is a Bad Omen

L'Eugene Goldsmiff

New member
Jan 6, 2014
One of the things that makes video pinball so awesome is that you can play tables endlessly after buying them, unlike real pinball, which can get pretty expensive as you learn a table. With Farsight's new Ghostbusters table going the pay per play route I hope this isn't a precursor of what's to come. If this becomes the model in the future it'll kill video pinball for me.
I'm not surprised it's Farsight that's doing this. They've always been more concerned with money over quality or value for the consumer. Just look at the never ending list of new tables that keep coming out while some tables that have been out for years still don't work properly.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
My personal feeling is that as long as TPA stays the same (purchase tables, play all you want), I have no issue with them trying something like Ghostbusters. Revenue is always an issue and if this type of game will help Farsight generate revenue, that's fine and dandy. If you don't want to play it or spend "tokens" to play, then don't. OTOH, if it's a fantastically amazing table that you really WANT to play, maybe a purchase table option should also be offered. In TPA, I have more than enough tables (50+) to play but I only play a fraction of those. As I said, as long as TPA stays the same, it's not an issue for me.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It's only bad if it's successful. From what I've been reading on the interwebs, it's gonna tank.


New member
May 23, 2012
One of the things that makes video pinball so awesome is that you can play tables endlessly after buying them, unlike real pinball, which can get pretty expensive as you learn a table. With Farsight's new Ghostbusters table going the pay per play route I hope this isn't a precursor of what's to come. If this becomes the model in the future it'll kill video pinball for me.
I'm not surprised it's Farsight that's doing this. They've always been more concerned with money over quality or value for the consumer. Just look at the never ending list of new tables that keep coming out while some tables that have been out for years still don't work properly.

Every business is in business to make a profit. It's easy to see why they're doing this. Free money from doing close to nothing.

REALLY getting sick and tired of people overreacting to some outstanding bugs in TPA. As a PS3 player who is always WAY behind mobile and PC updates, not one of my tables "don't work properly". And I own all that they've released so far.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
If this pay per play business model would take over TPA(or also Zen) that would obviously be the beginning of the end.It is up to the consumers to cast their vote and not support this Ghostbusters thingy.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
When most of us were kids we used to have to got to an arcade to put a quarter in a machine to play. now we have arcades in our hands and we're just coming back full circle. Personally i won't play the Ghostbusters table unless it's for free. Between Zaccaria, Zen, Pure Pinball and TPA there are enough new quality tables to play on a regular basis that I don't need to pay to play one. I'll be fine with two free plays a day.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
My personal feeling is that as long as TPA stays the same (purchase tables, play all you want), I have no issue with them trying something like Ghostbusters. Revenue is always an issue and if this type of game will help Farsight generate revenue, that's fine and dandy. If you don't want to play it or spend "tokens" to play, then don't. OTOH, if it's a fantastically amazing table that you really WANT to play, maybe a purchase table option should also be offered. In TPA, I have more than enough tables (50+) to play but I only play a fraction of those. As I said, as long as TPA stays the same, it's not an issue for me.

My thoughts exactly.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
REALLY getting sick and tired of people overreacting to some outstanding bugs in TPA.
I'm really getting sick and tired of people overreacting to new business models without even trying them out first.

It would be nice if there was a purchase option for the table, but the token system may work pretty well on the casual crowd. It may actually get some of them to check out TPA, since they get an incentive (an extra free token each day) for installing the app.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
It would be nice if there was a purchase option for the table, but the token system may work pretty well on the casual crowd. It may actually get some of them to check out TPA, since they get an incentive (an extra free token each day) for installing the app.

Purchase option would somewhat defy the pay per play model.If this thingy can attract new TPA customers i'm all for it.But if this new business model should prove very successful then there is a realistic risk that Farsight and others might come to the conclusion that pay per play is a better way to earn more money than before and use it for all their tables.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
I would never buy another TPA table ever again if they tried anything like their Ghostbusters payment model on Steam. I'd like to think they aren't silly enough to make that jump.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Every business is in business to make a profit. It's easy to see why they're doing this. Free money from doing close to nothing.

REALLY getting sick and tired of people overreacting to some outstanding bugs in TPA. As a PS3 player who is always WAY behind mobile and PC updates, not one of my tables "don't work properly". And I own all that they've released so far.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Although suddenly HRC is crashing constantly but I'm sure they will fix it


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Every business is in business to make a profit. It's easy to see why they're doing this. Free money from doing close to nothing.

REALLY getting sick and tired of people overreacting to some outstanding bugs in TPA. As a PS3 player who is always WAY behind mobile and PC updates, not one of my tables "don't work properly". And I own all that they've released so far.

You said it all.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
On the plus side, we own all the tables we currently have so it's not like they can turn around and take the ability to play them.

So I don't really see what the problem is here, I've already bought the Season 4 pass so it's not like they'd change the core game anytime soon, and even then it'd only start to affect Season 5 tables (if that's a thing) and by then we've already got pretty much every major table we've ever wanted.

Saying that, I'd much rather there was an option to buy the table than buy in tokens, especially if they think that physical table buy ins are identical to digital table buy ins (hint: they're not even close)

Alternatively this could just be like their Tales of the Arabian Nights as a hint for people to buy the full thing.

It's understandable for people to be wary, but it's not like they can touch the core game, especially with people spending a fortune on the Kickstarters for the chance to own the table, not rent it.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I also think it helps PTP that Farsight are doing mods of tables we already have in TPA. so it's not like it's a ghostbusters mod of doctor who or the shadow and now the only way to play them is PTP. I'll be very curious to see how it does.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I noticed on the new Zen The Walking Dead pinball table after the third ball hits the drain there is an option to purchase an additional extra ball. I have never purchased it and am not even sure how much it costs? Has anyone paid for the the additional ball on it yet and how much do they charge for it?

L'Eugene Goldsmiff

New member
Jan 6, 2014
REALLY getting sick and tired of people overreacting to some outstanding bugs in TPA. As a PS3 player who is always WAY behind mobile and PC updates, not one of my tables "don't work properly". And I own all that they've released so far.

Well that's very kind of you. Are you saying those of us with broken tables should not ask for them to be fixed because all of your tables work properly, or that since your tables all work all of ours should suddenly work as well, or that since you've got no problems any the rest of us have don't matter?
I play on the Vita. I've got a lot of bugs and I only own season 1. There's a lot of S2 and 3 tables I'd like to have but there's no way Farsight is getting any more of my money, espescially for new tables that may not work, before they've fixed what I've already paid for.

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