Goin Nuts strategy thread


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Please, can those experts out there like Erik and Tarek and Zaphod and Slam help me out? Are there really only two threads in this forum?

Any useful tips with flippers held up or dead bounces, any suggestions other than just hit the white targets and keep spamming the right flipper?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The strategy is to keep multiball going and hit the targets to build up your timer. When you're down to one ball, you can either get the ball to the upper left flipper to hit the captive ball to restart 3-ball play, or hit the white button targets to light the upper right loop or the left gate, which will give you 2-ball play.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
There is a very narrow path that allows you to backhand the captive ball for a 3-ball restart, without relying on bounces etc. to get the ball up to that top flipper.

Otherwise, keep balls in play and keep hammering the drops for EBs.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
There is a very narrow path that allows you to backhand the captive ball for a 3-ball restart, without relying on bounces etc. to get the ball up to that top flipper.

Otherwise, keep balls in play and keep hammering the drops for EBs.

You forgot some things about the narrow path
-you can nudge trap 100% of the time (if done right) when coming from the left in/outlane.
-only go for this when down to 1 ball. No matter what, even if the 2 ball restart is lit. The reason to only go for 3 ball is because it's the only thing that's worthwhile. Once you get good at using this method, there's no going back.
-missed shots to the upper level might still line you up with a shot from the upper flipper to the 3 ball restart. This happens 1/5 tries or so, and is difficult to execute.
-it's basically like starting fresh, or starting a new ball, which is a good thing. Meaning that whatever time you have on the clock at that point is just extra, meaning you could theoretically go infinite.
- the timing is pretty tough, but when done right, it's the only way to go.... Assuming you're down to 1 ball... Don't just drain a ball on purpose to do this, (unless of coarse you are a master of this technique, then go for it)... The timing for the flip is compairable to the backhand flip to the lock on Fishtales.
-none of this works until you practice, so practice that backhand, and then apply it (keep in mind to not get discouraged, or frustrated with missed attempts, just take your time and catch it again on the left flip)

In addition, I believe this was by design, but I've never seen any proof of that, is this on a rulesheet or strategy guide somewhere? I doubt it because it's such a rare table. The key to liking this table is to get good at it!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Thanks guys I will certainly try that.

I'm sure I read somewhere about holding up the top flipper when the left white light (2 ball restart at the gate) is lit to automatically sail through it, but for some reason I can't see that in either of the other two threads in the GN forum. Did I dream it? Was it another table I am thinking of?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
There are more than two threads in the Goin Nuts forum. I see 10. Do you have your forum settings set to not show older threads, or some such?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I knew it! Bloody Tapatalk is absolute **** these days

Doesn't help that it keeps updating with new "features" that make it work differently seemingly every week.

Still, it's great for posting pictures with it's self-hosting feature. And easier than trying to click on stuff in a web browser on a mobile device.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Are these even possible on android. Ive failed every attempt.


It used to be possible on Android, but there was a tuning pass and it can't be done any more; at the very least, the window is now so narrow it requires incredibly precise timing to make it.


New member
Aug 10, 2012
It used to be possible on Android, but there was a tuning pass and it can't be done any more; at the very least, the window is now so narrow it requires incredibly precise timing to make it.

Bummer. Does your wording mean it's still feasible on pc then? I keep my pc as my main record of goals anyway so doing it there means less save hacking anyway (albeit it less chance to play)



New member
Aug 10, 2012
Bummer. Does your wording mean it's still feasible on pc then? I keep my pc as my main record of goals anyway so doing it there means less save hacking anyway (albeit it less chance to play)


OMG. Spent so many hours trying the 360 secs and 500 bonus on mobile. Did it on my second attempt on pc. I actually got to 430 but deliberately drained to ensure the bonus goal. That back hand is actually quite easy. I honestly think I could play forever.
Currently on ball 1 with 4.5m.will get to 12.5 and drain I think
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
Bummer. Does your wording mean it's still feasible on pc then? I keep my pc as my main record of goals anyway so doing it there means less save hacking anyway (albeit it less chance to play)


Not tried it on PC for a while. I gave up once I got all the goals.


New member
Jun 3, 2018
Spent a week on this just to get the Standard Goals done, and my heart just sunk when I saw the Wizard Goal is 360 seconds. After reading this thread it looks like the left flipper backhand is the way to go. I only managed it once (playing on PS4), so I guess I'll just need to practice that one shot over and over until I get good at it.


Sep 19, 2014
Yeah, that's pretty much it. I finally got that goal when I got to the point were I could make that left backhand shot about 1 time out of every 3 tries. Other suggestions that helped me were turning off the score/time display. I got too worked up checking it over and over, especially when I got over 300 seconds I would almost always stress out and drain. Turn off the "music" completely, that really gets on my nerves after awhile. Other thing that helped was switching to a ball with a high contrast against the green playing field. I chose the solid black ball, it allowed me to focus completely on the lower area with the flippers, but still keep track of where all the other balls were peripherally.

And when you've had too much of this table, switch all the balls to the "Fester Head" ball and put "The Windmills of Your Mind" on in the background. Oddly relaxing and captures the insanity of this table nicely ;)


New member
Jun 3, 2018
I play all tables with music off - I figured it gives me a bit more of an edge, when I can hear targets being hit. Finally managed to get the 3M and 3 extra squirrel balls in one game Wizard Goals. That means I 'only' have to get the 360 one (and 500,000 bonus, but that's just draining the ball). I can't do that left backhand at all on PS4, must've tried like 50 times, and only succeeded that one time in the very beginning. So rather than screwing around with that, I just go for 2 balls by hitting the targets. Sometimes I get lucky and end up hitting the captive ball from the right top flipper. Manged to get to 225 seconds today, so I'm hoping with a bit of luck I'll be able to do it without the left flipper trick.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
This was quite the challenge, but I managed to do it by the skin of my teeth, lol! I found it much easier to keep two balls in play for long periods of time than three. That left flipper shot does work on the PS4, but a left nudge as it approaches the bumpers helps immensely. I still never managed to be able hit the shot consistently, but I did it enough to succeed at least!

Here is a video of my run. You'll notice that I keep going for a while after I hit the 360 goal because I didn't see it pop! If I had seen it I would've let the ball drain for the 500,000 bonus goal instead of risking dropping below 300 seconds or tilting. It wasn't until I saw the trophy pop that I went back and reviewed the video, lol... Oh well, done with this table!
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New member
Jun 3, 2018
This was quite the challenge, but I managed to do it by the skin of my teeth, lol!...

Congrats and damn - you beat me by 1 day :). It's definitely harder than 3M on Genie, which I think took me about 1 month (spent 6 weeks on this table).

After a while, I got so sick of this table, I would only play one game a day. I didn't bother restarting on bad initial balls, I would simply play through the 3 balls (and whatever extra balls I earned), until the game was over, and then do something productive for a change. Got as high as almost 9M pts, because of the constant back and forth between losing the ball and then getting 2 balls cycle. In the game I finally reached 360, I must've done that 2 ball restart at least a dozen of times.

I got 240 for the first time after about a week or two of playing. Then I'd get into 200's every couple days afterwards. A week ago I got all the way up to 305. Today I got lucky because just around 280 I got 3 balls and was able to score 60 pts which brought me to 340. At that point, my heart was racing like crazy, because I still had to hit 10 targets to get to 360. Ended up just making it and going down to 1 ball a few seconds afterwards (not on purpose). At that point, I obviously drained on purpose, to get the 500,000 bonus goal done.

Glad I'll never have to look at this table again. I got so used to playing it, that now that I moved on to the next table (I'm trying to get all trophies in the PSN order), I would start the game and wait, while nothing was happening. Got so used to Goin' Nuts launching the ball on its own, I keep forgetting I need to use the plunger on the new table.

My strategy:

  1. I could never get the left backhand shot working on PS4. So in my games I relied on 2 ball restarts. Hit the lower right target to light the left bulb. It's better than the right bulb, because you can hit it from either right flipper, or left flipper (by going through the top loop, and then holding upper flipper, so the ball rolls off it and hits the gate - see my video below at 13:00 minute mark to see it in action). It works 90% of time unless your ball is going really slow through the loop at which point you want to attempt hitting the captive ball instead as the ball is coming down.
  2. Use bright balls that contrast with the table. The best ones I found were the green glow balls. You can see the ones in the top field, even when you are focused on the ball in the bottom.
  3. Whenever I had multiple balls in the bottom field, I would try to hit them into upper playfield. But as soon as I had only one ball on the bottom, I would go for green targets in the center. There's just no point in wasting time shooting the ball in upper playfield, because it's not much safer, as it will oftentimes just fall at the right angle at a high speed when you can't catch it. I found that quickly racking up points by shooting the green targets (and red every now and then) is the best strategy. I would keep hitting the right flippers every few seconds to score lucky shots with the balls in upper playfield.
  4. Turn off the sounds, and listen to your favorite podcast instead. I ended up playing just one game a day after a while, because I got sick of it, but if you listen to something you like it, makes the whole experience bearable.
  5. For the 500,000 bonus you need to drain at at least 300 seconds, because with all the bulbs light you only get 200,000 pts (not 250,000 as some people assume).

Here's my video:

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