The PS4 version looks great. I've gotten a lot of time to work with it recently (hint,hint)
All right, before your comment the ps4 version made me curious.The PS4 version looks great. I've gotten a lot of time to work with it recently (hint,hint), and I really am thrilled with the lighting. But that all depends on your visual taste. I would at least recommend giving it a try.
Obviously I don't have a date, but rest assured, we are actually working on it, and we have Pin Wiz's list firmly in hand.
Obviously I don't have a date, but rest assured, we are actually working on it, and we have Pin Wiz's list firmly in hand.
Ooh, don't forget the "plunger doesn't strike the ball if the plunger was pulled back before the ball came to rest" bug, I don't think PW has added that one to his list yet. (The PS3 has it has well. : P)
If you get the ps4 anyway, why not.Hi guys.
So I Got tpa on android and pc...
I'm getting a ps4 by the end of the month and I wonder how it holds up against the pc?
graphics, gameplay and all?
It's really good on pc but playing on a 55inch screen kind of turns me on ^^
And as I Read it has dynamic lighting wich is not on pc... yet...
So? Any though?
Obviously I don't have a date, but rest assured, we are actually working on it, and we have Pin Wiz's list firmly in hand.
No, you don't have to buy TPA, you can just sit there and look how pretty your new console is.
No, you don't have to buy TPA, you can just sit there and look how pretty your new console is.
Why does it have to be one or the other? Heaven or hell death or life, best or worse, hate or love.Or you can buy Zen Pinball 2. New tables come out for that one on a regular basis, and with a mere fraction of the glitches TPA has. Oh, and it actually sounds decent too.