Request Gottlieb - Haunted House


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Yeah I can remember when this table came out it was like, oooooh three playfields? They outdid Williams! Beyond that I have few memories of the machine as I was around ten and more into Defender and Pac-Man...definitely think it should be in the pinball arcade over most of the tables in the Gottlieb collection.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Did someone mention Haunted House?

Really, Farsight, you could charge me $20.00 for it, and I'd fork it over without even testing the table.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
The original Haunted House has no multiball. I assume someone modified a Haunted House to include a multiball mode.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Indeed, Haunted House is a classic!! and I know it would probably be difficult, but it would be great if they offered the multi-ball mod as an add-on. I'd definitely pay extra for it.

Nik Barbour

Yes, I was asking for details on when and where the ball locked and how it was released. Was there a double score or a jackpot?

Unfortunately I don't know the details.
Just to paint a picture it was play.expo @ Manchester where the 2 tables, modified & unmodified Haunted house were on show.
It was unbelievably busy 6500 people and approximately 70odd pinball tables (there were video games / consoles / wi-u not just pinball, but I stayed with the Pinball the whole day).
Each table always had at least 1 player or someone also cueing, so it was a case of walking around and diving on tables when they became available.
Every time I went past the HH tables, they were always busy, until towards the end of the day, I managed to get on the modified table. I'd never played a HH before, so I was simply happy to play the table and had no idea how to activate the multiball feature.
Only had a quick go, then someone cueing behind me, so had to vacate at end of game.
Awesome table though, soon as I came home that night I got the Visual Pinball Haunted House table so I could play it some more.
Don't know if a modified VP table exists, I'll have to check that.

I did a bit of Googleing, and found this weblink
I believe this is the source of the parts for the modified machine. It rings a bell from the card displayed on the machine.
Unfortunately the rule sheets from this site explaining the multiball are in French and Dutch, neither of which I speak (i can do passable Italian, and order beer in 9 languages though).

Hope this helps - sorry I can't be more specific.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I made a negative of the rules pic, did an online OCR, and ran it through Google Translate.

". Capturerla1ére ball Inthe SPECIAL bottom plate, puisla 2nd ball clansl'E} {TRA-BALL intermediate plate. Lancerla 3rd bille.Aux first points les2 other balls are ejected and multibilles begins. the point detous sontmultipliéspar3 trays with 3 balls challenge by 2 with 2 balls.

Lejackpot is obtained by lowering the target table row to Superiors less2 Sonten ball game, and is 50.0001: the number of balls."

I contacted the site to see if I could get the French rules in text form or a translation.

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
I hope to see Haunted House on TPA in early 2013. I would hate to wait for next Halloween. . . . which I suspect might be the planned date for release.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Almost bought a fully restored one this week. It really is a gorgeous table! I love to see it in TPA. Lucky for me the best friend is buying it so ill get to play all the time!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Almost bought a fully restored one this week. It really is a gorgeous table! I love to see it in TPA. Lucky for me the best friend is buying it so ill get to play all the time!

I read your post about that. I think you made a wise decision for a first pin. Haunted House has a rep for being difficult to keep up and running. I guess anything 30 years old will have issues.


New member
Dec 18, 2012
I'm the one who bought this Haunted House pin and I love it.
Such a great game (I am a big fan to lower play fields on pins) and this one has an upper too - I would definitely get this on TPA. They need to compliment Black Hole with this one!
(And I need to compliment my real Haunted House pin with a real Black Hole pin :eek: )

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