Greetings and Salutations TPA Fans


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Hi peeps. My name is Daniel from Las Vegas, NV. I've been following the fan forum ever since I download my first table on TPA only a few months ago, but decided after I got my feet wet to plunge in the water and get totally SOAKED. My story is a common one. One day I was Looking for pinball apps to play on my iphone, discovered TPA, and the rest is history. Not as much of a fan of Zen and the others, but then again, why worry about it when TPA (by Farsight Studios) rocks it with the best of the best pinball. Also there is only so much time in the day as I'm a worker bee in Vegas as a dealer with a family who keeps it interesting.
I'm in my 40's, don't know where the time went. But nostalgic enough to remember those awesome arcade days of the early 80's as a boy, the eventual collapse, and happy enough to experience the resurgence today; which I believe, mostly is due to technology and virtual pinball and the internet. I think awesome days are ahead as this virtual pinball (and brick and mortar pinball) develops into bigger and better things.
I also started, quite naively and suddenly, to attempt a podcast as I believe there are still niches available for this sport/game/hobby/whatyoumaycallit, but have encountered alot of operator error since I'm learning how to do it from ground level. Accidentally deleting hours of work, learning the cheap equipment I bought, and finding time in the day, I think I at least belted out a pilot called "The Pin-Bar Cavern episode 1: The Pilot." Should be up and running soon, I think you'll find it informative and entertaining, different, a bit amateurish which I think podcasts should have an element of (not to knock pinheadz podcast, awesome that it is, sounds like it should be on fm radio). But no fear, bought a better mic, learning from the baby steps, and will get better and better. New listener, but big fan of BlahCade podcast so definitely check them out...coast2coast pinball as well, check Nate out, which was the first pin podcast I ever listened too, and will forgive Nate for bashing TPA in the beginning as long as he sends me more free stickers ha ha
The Pin-Bar Cavern is solo for now though, outsider looking in, looking into depth at particular games available on TPA as well as top 10 lists, anecdotes, quizzes, forum topics including pinside and IPBD, and whatever wacky ideas I can come up with.
So avoiding the long winded introductions (too late?), let's move on...P.S. If you read this intro this far, good on yah:) lol


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Welcome to the forum, Daniel!

You should consider checking out Pro Pinball alongside playing with Pinball Arcade. Timeshock in its full glory on the iOS. Great lighting effects.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
You aren't actually inferring that the BlahCade sounds professional are you? You should see the mic I use!


New member
Jan 30, 2015
I humbly thank you for your warm welcomes oh great and powerful seniors of TPA land :) My mission is to be a force for good on this forum, to protect the innocent, punish the guilty...
floggings will continue until morale improves! lol Or at least, until scores improve?
Not sure what I'm getting myself into but it's all good as long as it involves pinball. I will say this for sure at the moment for TPA, it's a nice supplement to no-doze tablets; that is, sleep apnea. Avoiding the risk of sounding too quirky at the moment, I bid adieu to this reply. Need some sleep.
Thanks again for permission granted to come aboard the USS TPA Fan Forum...may she have fair winds and following seas or as Black Rose says: Give em a taste of Iron Boys!

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