Greetings to all!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
My name is Robert Mann and I am the Farsight User Community Manager. I do apologize for my lack of appearance here in the forum.

It is my goal, and the goal of the company, to bring together the best pinball simulation we possibly can by listening and responding to the feedback of you, our dedicated fan base. My job includes handling the facebook account, as well as the customer support troubleshooting; and as a result, bringing the facebook page up to date has taken up considerably more time that I originally thought.
This is a thriving community held up by people with devout belief in what we are doing, and it is with them in mind that I took this job and accepted this role of trying to bridge these two groups together.
Aside from my own account, I also get feedback from Steve Snow, and the programmers that post the most often, Mike Reitmeyer and Ryan Routon.
Again, I apologize for not being on here sooner, but I hope to, and plan to, have a good relationship with everyone here. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me, as my door is open.

Thank you for being fans,
Rob Mann
User Community Manager

Now if this were my job I'd be too busy crying myself to sleep at night to be here, you're twice the man I am. Welcome aboard.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
My name is Robert Mann and I am the Farsight User Community Manager. I do apologize for my lack of appearance here in the forum.

It is my goal, and the goal of the company, to bring together the best pinball simulation we possibly can by listening and responding to the feedback of you, our dedicated fan base. My job includes handling the facebook account, as well as the customer support troubleshooting; and as a result, bringing the facebook page up to date has taken up considerably more time that I originally thought.
This is a thriving community held up by people with devout belief in what we are doing, and it is with them in mind that I took this job and accepted this role of trying to bridge these two groups together.
Aside from my own account, I also get feedback from Steve Snow, and the programmers that post the most often, Mike Reitmeyer and Ryan Routon.
Again, I apologize for not being on here sooner, but I hope to, and plan to, have a good relationship with everyone here. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me, as my door is open.

Thank you for being fans,
Rob Mann
User Community Manager

We are certainly a passionate bunch here. If I was to sub-title this site, I would call it "the unofficial testing community of The Pinball Arcade".

A great deal of product testing results get updated here. It is a seething collective of knowledge and observed bugs.

On the subject of social media, I've asked both Mike R and Ryan R about setting up an official Google+ page for The Pinball Arcade. To date, I haven't received a definitive "Yes" or "No" answer. Now you have stepped up to the social media smorgasboard, perhaps a more definitive answer might be forthcoming.

Frostyglitch and I co-manage the Pinball Arcade Fans Google+ presence, and it seems that there are a fair number of people on Google+ that either are interested in pinball, or actively use TPA.

The user demographic of G+ users is far different to the rage-fest that is Facebook. I think if effort was invested in a G+ presence, many PAF users would probably unsub from FB and follow on G+, just so they don't have to submit themselves to the debarcle that is the user base on that social network.

Can you please consider this request?

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
You got through the Facebook page and didn't end up running for hills? Congrats, and welcome to the site. Hopefully you'll find us slightly less insane the the Facebook crowd.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
My job includes handling the facebook account, as well as the customer support troubleshooting; and as a result, bringing the facebook page up to date has taken up considerably more time that I originally thought.

I take it your previous job at National Geographic, where you swam with sharks, milked snakes or spiders, and wrestled with alligators was too boring and docile.

ps: welcome


New member
Oct 8, 2012
*calls off the hounds* ;)

A warm welcome. Looking forward to your insight over the coming months.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Welcome Rob.

Not too much negativity here from what I've observed. Nothing like Facebook that's for sure.

So Rob, when are we allowed to start bugging you lol? You won't hear much out of me, the only thing I'm interested in are reasonable updates on the status of the 360 version. I understand for legal reasons you can't say much. And I also ask that you are honest. If the 360 version is cancelled don't be afraid to tell us. Much better to just drop the bomb now/soon so that we can get another platform, rather than have us wait for nothing.
Last edited:

Rob Mann

FarSight Employee
Nov 7, 2012
We have absolutely not cancelled the 360 platform support. As I get information about it, I will be more than happy to share with you folks!


New member
Jun 12, 2012
good to hear an official word :)

its been frustrating, but i'm sure farsight as a business is way more unhappy with the situation than us, the customers... (i can always put on some visual pinball on the pc for example)

well, the sooner the better - can't wait for star trek the next gen :cool:

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