[GUIDE] High Score and Goals backup and restore in TPA (Steam)


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Xanija, I want to thank you for showing us how to back up our files and restore them with this thread. It saved my ass in the fiasco that just occurred with the Pistol Poker update. I never in a million years would have known how to do this without the help of your post. I think it was about a week before you started this thread that I installed Pinball Arcade on a second computer and had what you describe above happen to me. I was absolutely stunned when I lost all my local high scores and goals after all the time I had spent achieving them. I had every table that had been released up to that point with well over half the goals achieved. Ever since then I have backed up my files weekly. Sometimes daily if I achieve hard to get goals. This was the first time since then that I have ever needed the back up files. You the man!!
I'm more than happy to hear this was useful for you! Glad everything has worked as expected.

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