Harem and genie stack?


New member
Aug 10, 2012
So I've been trying to get this for a while as a way to reach 1000phof points and have gotten close a few times. Usually I accidentally hit the ramp while trying to complete harem during rocs.

However today I managed to start tocs last and already had a wish lit and 'hare'.
I hit the left loop and my heart sinks as the ball is caught by the magnet and drops into the sink hole. Harem multiball then starts as normal.

Did I do something wrong?
Did they update the rom to the latest version (which I think fixed the stack?)?



New member
Aug 10, 2012
Actually. Anyone with the pro version of this table able to check the rom version and post it here?


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Hum, I found a comment on papa that says rom revision L4 fixed it. Dunno if thats the same thing.
Otherwise no idea what i did wrong.



Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I haven't been able to do this on TPA either. There is a youtube video that shows it being done on TPA, though. I'm not sure if there is a ROM fix that TPA is now using, or if I've been doing something wrong. I have this written down as the procedure:

Never take "Collect 2 Jewels" because that spots the Rocs mode

Start Rocs as 7th mode because it changes diverter behavior

Hit left orbit for what should be M of Harem, except ball won't go that way, but magnet keeps waiting
You want to hear "Boys will be boys" but the multiball doesn't start

Must collect Rocs jewel by Wish

Start Genie Battle

Do not drain during Skeletons phase

When a ball hits the magnet during Genie Battle (including Skeletons phase), Harem will start


If this doesn't work, then your best bet for broken scoring on TPA TOTAN is to stack 3x Lightning Lamp into Genie Battle. This is possible and doesn't require any tricky moves or sequences. Just start Lamp then 3X it while Genie Battle is ready, and keep hitting the Lamp quickly enough during the Skeletons phase that it doesn't time out. It will not time out during the multiball battle phase. I get 200M this way fairly consistently, although have never made it to multiple billions without accidentally winning the battle.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
this was supposedly fixed in version 1.4 (harem miltiball is supposed to always override rocs diverter)

but the lightning lamp stack, and the harem over and over strategy both still work. It's tougher to abuse the lightning lamp stack because you will need to keep hitting the lamp during destroy the skeletons to keep it from timing out early.

And the left orbit is hard enough on TPA that playing harem multiball over and over is not very practical (it works pretty well in real life).


New member
Aug 10, 2012
this was supposedly fixed in version 1.4 (harem miltiball is supposed to always override rocs diverter)

but the lightning lamp stack, and the harem over and over strategy both still work. It's tougher to abuse the lightning lamp stack because you will need to keep hitting the lamp during destroy the skeletons to keep it from timing out early.

And the left orbit is hard enough on TPA that playing harem multiball over and over is not very practical (it works pretty well in real life).

I've been trying the lightening stack for ages but I usually end up timing out or draining in the skeletons. That or I miss the lamp and start battle by accident before I start lightening.
I managed it once. Accidentally lost battle and then hit the missing ball bug anyway :(
Stupid table!!
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