Harem multiball


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Haha! Nice!

That was a tough one for some reason. It doesn't seem like it should be a difficult shot, but it just is.
Oct 15, 2013
I finally got this goal on the PS3 version and on my birthday no less! Now I'm trying to get it on the PS4 freebie version. I got up to the last letter two times. This shot is so random. Just when I think I've got a method down it doesn't work after two shots. Using camera 3 helps but it still seems so elusive. It can't be this hard on the real table. I've tried shooting with the right flipper right after getting the kick out from the Bazaar, using tilt to the left and up while shooting with the right flipper and right after, other times just getting the ball on the very end of the right flipper and shooting gets it done, and sometimes I can get it with the left flipper on a rebound. All of these methods work but not consistently. Why is this shot so hard!?
Oct 15, 2013
Also the many modes that you can trigger that block out this mode are infuriating. Plus this multiball doesn't seem worth the effort. Only two balls and all scores are whatever the Hareem bonus is? Pfft!


New member
Jan 26, 2014
The blocking modes is what makes this difficult.
Took me some time, but I got it when going for it (and for it only) early in the game.
Oct 15, 2013
Finally got it on the PS4 version. Now I'm stuck trying to beat the Genie. I get to the final battle and can't seem to hit the shots I've been making all game. I did it on the PS3 version but I think the PS4 version is harder for some reason. I can beat the skeletons but always lose in the second part. I try plunging in as many balls as possible but I think that makes the Genie win faster. I also tried just bringing in only a few balls and I lasted longer but still lost. Can you shoot the same target over and over or do you have to keep mixing up the shots in order to win? On the PS3 I just kept the balls in play and got lucky I guess hitting a bunch of shots without trying.
Oct 15, 2013
I beat the Genie on the PS4 version. Alright! It went back and forth for a while but I just kept launching those balls and eventually won. I got all three of those freebie trophies on the PS4 version. Now I can focus on the PS3 version which I actually have tables for.:D I don't want to see TOTAN for a long, long time.


New member
Jul 30, 2015
Been hung up on this one, thanks for the tips. Going after it again with a bit more foreknowlege should help. :)

Edit: got it, thanks! :)
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