Harley Davidson drain plug ...


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Not sure if it is really a bug but I sure haven't figured out how to make the drain plug activate to stop the balls from going down the middle. What key is supposed to activate it?

Also minor thing but not related. When you finish a game and don't score well enough to enter your initials, you are able to start the next game by hitting enter enter enter etc. If you score well enough to enter your initials, you can enter your initials with the flipper buttons to select the letter, but then to make the selection you need to use the mouse button, you can't use the enter key to make the entry.
Would it be better to use the enter key also to enter the letter selected? That way we can use the flippers to select the letters and use something like a mapped "insert coin" button to input the selection. Otherwise I need to grab for the mouse.

Other than that. Man I love this PC version.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
It seems that some games, (Space Shuttle and Medieval Madness for sure), need to use the mouse to input the selected initial. On some of the other games you don't need to input the initials that way, the enter key works also. So it isn't every game that this happens on.

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