Has the Stereoscopic 3D PlayStation 3 option been canned? (Announced 8 months ago)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
It's now been 8 months ago when Bobby King said this:
In Texas, we will be showing off the stereoscopic 3D support on PS3 that we just implemented. It looks amazing and really adds to the gameplay experience.
EIGHT MONTHS!.... In iOS time that's like 100 tweaks ago.

If it's amazing and really adds to the gameplay experience.. where the heck did it go?!
I wish the console versions of TPA would gain a bit more respect.

The fact that they showed off several playable 3D tables makes me believe they've been sitting on it for a while and probably decided it wasn't worth it which is too bad.

If they could add this, a Day/Night lighting option, online co-op play, and background music playing. It would be an amazing thing.
Apr 8, 2012
I want it too!!!!!
And 3DVision for the PC versión, please.
Any news?

I was buying a new HD TV last February and decided for a 3d model solely based on the news of 3d support for TPA. I haven't used my 3d glasses once since buying the thing. Seriously, is this going to happen or not? When? Thanks!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I was buying a new HD TV last February and decided for a 3d model solely based on the news of 3d support for TPA. I haven't used my 3d glasses once since buying the thing. Seriously, is this going to happen or not? When? Thanks!

There is always Zen Pinball in the meantime, which looks great by the way.


New member
May 18, 2013
I've also been on the edge of my seat waiting for this. I bought my 3D tv just before Gran Turismo 5 came out thinking it would make a huge difference in a racing game (it doesn't, you're moving so fast that it adds almost nothing to the game except the "cool factor"). The only game where I've found the 3d to not be a gimmick (in other words, it actually improves or enhances game play) is in Zen Pinball. That being the case, you can imagine why I'm excited about Farsight actually implementing this (someday?).


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've also been on the edge of my seat waiting for this. I bought my 3D tv just before Gran Turismo 5 came out thinking it would make a huge difference in a racing game (it doesn't, you're moving so fast that it adds almost nothing to the game except the "cool factor"). The only game where I've found the 3d to not be a gimmick (in other words, it actually improves or enhances game play) is in Zen Pinball. That being the case, you can imagine why I'm excited about Farsight actually implementing this (someday?).

Oh my god, you posted something?? I did a double take since I often read posts before noticing who wrote it, and in my head I said, "huh, I have a friend who has said the exact thing!" Too funny.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
When I played TPA in 3D at the Milwaukee show they said it was still a work in progress but it looked and played fine when I played it. I played it on 3 tables but it seems like they had it working on all of the tables that were out on the PS3 at the time. It's a head scratcher to me!


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Perhaps because the 3D hype has died down?

Or perhaps that the limitations the PS3 imposes on stereoscopic 3D makes it ... unworkable? (3D mode is limited to 720p, 30fps only). Since the PS3 lacks a scaler unit, your TV has to upscale the 720p image to 1080p and display that. If you're lucky, it'll do the same job on both left and right frames so things work out. If not, you get a blurry dizzy mess. It's got pop, but long term play gets you sick.

On some of the faster tables, that 30fps limitation can be a bit painful if the collision detection fails and you have balls going through objects and the table.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I think the reason why we haven't seen this yet is the same reason why they didn't emulate Black Knight yet. They are very busy now, with their ps4 and pc versions, so they put it on the backburner. I think it will be released some time shortly after the ps4 version is released.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Perhaps because the 3D hype has died down?

Or perhaps that the limitations the PS3 imposes on stereoscopic 3D makes it ... unworkable? (3D mode is limited to 720p, 30fps only). Since the PS3 lacks a scaler unit, your TV has to upscale the 720p image to 1080p and display that. If you're lucky, it'll do the same job on both left and right frames so things work out. If not, you get a blurry dizzy mess. It's got pop, but long term play gets you sick.

On some of the faster tables, that 30fps limitation can be a bit painful if the collision detection fails and you have balls going through objects and the table.

It looks great on Zen's tables. Plants Vs Zombies and the Star Wars tables in particular have really nice depth to them. I've never experienced any collision detection issues with it. I tend to play for around 30 minutes or so and change between 2D and 3D to give my eyes a rest. Perfect for short pinball games.

Super Stardust HD, WipeOut HD, and Motorstorm Apocalypse also should be experienced in 3D.
There is no slowdown, blurring, or other problems with those at all and they look incredible.

Another option that could be utilized on a PlayStation 3 3D display, though I'm sure it won't be, is SimulView™.
It would be pretty cool playing against another player on the same TV at the same time. The audio could be mixed so it would give you the feeling of playing
two pinball machines that are next to each other....Tournament style! :)

I think the "3D craze" may have died down a bit, just as the hype with HDTV's has died down and it's become accepted. 3D will only improve as the supporting technology improves. Netflix recently opened their SuperHD/3DTV support for all internet providers which is a good thing. The IMAX videos are really impressive.
I hope YouTube on the PS3 will some day allow people to switch into 3D mode since there are a ton of free 3D media on there.

Anyway, there are quite a lot of games (122 at last count) on the PS3 that support 3D, and I really hope this continues onto the PS4. With the faster processor power they could easily achieve 60fps/1080p/3D and it would look amazing.

Resogun by HouseMarque (Super Stardust HD/3D developers) would look incredible in 3D...

Imagines this.. shooting out at you!
Last edited:


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I think the "3D craze" may have died down a bit, just as the hype with HDTV's has died down and it's become accepted.

I'm not sure they're comparable though; as far as I've read, 3D didn't die down so much as die *off*--3D TVs did not end up selling well at all.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm not sure they're comparable though; as far as I've read, 3D didn't die down so much as die *off*--3D TVs did not end up selling well at all.

I think there are a lot of similarities between the reception of HDTV and of stereoscopic 3D. HDTV's took a long time to take off. Why? Because there was hardly any HD content to watch on them.. Why was there hardly any content to watch? Because not enough people owned HD displays to make it worth it..

Catch 22 is one of the biggest reasons why 3D isn't taking off IMO. What percentage of Blu-Ray movies are available in 3DHD? 2%...if that?
Sony seems to have done more for the "3D gaming movement" than any other developer. I just hope they keep up the fight with the PS4. It's worth it.

Another way to help the cause would be for movie companies to include a free 3D disc with the standard Blu-Ray movies. They should stop including DVD's.. They are obsolete. If someone wants an SD version of a movie let them buy the stand alone DVD. Including a 3D version along with the 2D version would make them interested in checking it out and possibly persuade them to buy a 3DTV for their next display.

There have been a lot of problems and formats for 3D that confuse customers, but the same can also be said for HDTV. If you remember, it had a very slow start, with displays selling for $20,000 and up. I still remember seeing the very first units roll in here in New York. They didn't even look all that great. 3D with games will only look better with the next generation of systems. No longer will they have to take a hit in frames or resolution to display 3D.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Another way to help the cause would be for movie companies to include a free 3D disc with the standard Blu-Ray movies. They should stop including DVD's.. They are obsolete. If someone wants an SD version of a movie let them buy the stand alone DVD. Including a 3D version along with the 2D version would make them interested in checking it out and possibly persuade them to buy a 3DTV for their next display.

The Creature From the Black Lagoon Blu-Ray has both the 2-d version and 3-d version (you need a 3-d tv to watch it) on the same disc, in addition to several special features. So, if the movie is 90 minutes (maybe even longer), studios shouldn't even need another disc to release the 3-d and 2-d versions together.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
The Blu-Ray + Blu-Ray 3D combo pack is fairly common for the movies that are available in 3D. Its usually only $5 more than the regular version. I have a few of them although I don't think I've actually watched a full movie in 3D, its just not my thing. I bought the expensive Sony 3D glasses when I got the 3D capable TV but I've probably only got a few hours use out of them. I figure I have them if I needed them though.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Of the recent Blu Ray discs I've bought, if there was a SKU with a combo pack containing the 3D version, that's the one I bought. And I don't even have a 3D TV yet! Cuz yeah, during that first week a title is available, they usually run sales on 'em that put the price difference only a few dollars more than the regular Blu Ray. There's even been occasions when the 3D combo pack was cheaper (Avengers at Target) that first week.

3D isn't going away any time soon, but the craze of it has certainly died down. People just want good 3D content. Look no further than 'Gravity' to see that. The last 3 big budget 3D releases earned only 35-50% of their box office in 3D sales. 'Gravity' is taking in 80% off of 3D. People are recognizing when 3D is an afterthought versus when it is designed into the fabric of film making.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The Blu-Ray + Blu-Ray 3D combo pack is fairly common for the movies that are available in 3D. Its usually only $5 more than the regular version. I have a few of them although I don't think I've actually watched a full movie in 3D, its just not my thing. I bought the expensive Sony 3D glasses when I got the 3D capable TV but I've probably only got a few hours use out of them. I figure I have them if I needed them though.

Yeah, I've seen a few of them, but the ones I he saw were around $10 more than the standard BR disc + DVD combo, which will discourage some people. It's been a while since I've looked so maybe they've come down a bit in price.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
When they come out with 3D TV where I don't have to wear glasses, I will jump on board. Until that happens and becomes popular I will wait it out.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Or perhaps that the limitations the PS3 imposes on stereoscopic 3D makes it ... unworkable? (3D mode is limited to 720p, 30fps only). Since the PS3 lacks a scaler unit, your TV has to upscale the 720p image to 1080p and display that. If you're lucky, it'll do the same job on both left and right frames so things work out. If not, you get a blurry dizzy mess. It's got pop, but long term play gets you sick.

On some of the faster tables, that 30fps limitation can be a bit painful if the collision detection fails and you have balls going through objects and the table.

It looked good to me on the tables that I played in 3D.

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