Have Farsight acknowledged the leaderboard scores problem?


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can we have an update from FarSight on the leaderboard issue today?

Pretty please? I find myself not playing out of fear I will actually better my highest scores, that's not how it's meant to be, right? Farsight could do better in the area of communication with the community. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean it like we are fundamentally entitled to it. But I think it's at least good businnes to invest in that relationship. Hope to hear from them soon!

Rob Mann

FarSight Employee
Nov 7, 2012
James is looking in to the leaderboards currently to see what is happening. If you give us a score that hasn't appeared in the last week, and the platform, we might be able to get a place to start. Also, I need everyone to tell me the scores that are obviously from hacking or cheating. Every table, and I will make this a priority. Thank you.


Jul 11, 2012
I just scored 635mill on CV good enough for #7 ALL TIME #1 monthly wich I aleady was and #1 weekly wich I would have been had the leaderboards not stop working. C'mon FARSIGHT FIX THIS! Its been over a week.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I have the same problem with leader boards. I have discrepancies between my score with friends and the overall weekly leader board score on the following machines :

MB ... DD ... Elvira PM ... Genie ... BK ... Taxi ... FP ... TOTAN ... MM ... NGG

The biggest discrepancy was MB. Weekly score 50,166,450 ... Score with Friends 167,826,720.

I truly don't think the weekly leader boards have been reset for a couple of weeks. My ST: TNG weekly score has been the same for two weeks, where I didn't played the game last week.

My TPA log-in is MontanaFrank. My device is an ASUS TF300
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
On I believe Monday the 19th (might have been the 18th), I got 325,228,740 on Scared Stiff for PS3.

EDIT: Also, there are a ton of hacked or bugged scores on the earlier tables on the ps3.

The high score on Black Hole is 16,170,849,460 by "Crusty Booger" (Mobile). I would guess that all of the high scores on Black Hole are bugged up through 6860, which was made by Sealwong, who scored 36,750,090 (Mobile). I noticed that for some reason, the ios version has different scores on the leaderboard, which are all reasonable. Why are these scores still on the ps3 if they were done on mobile. Also, I suspect TOTAN, Theatre, Ripley's, BOP, Medieval Madness, Funhouse and CV all have bugged scores, but it is hard to tell for sure
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
last week I got 1,281,450 on Fireball (android).

the top couple of scores on Android Genie, are obviously hacked/bugged given how difficult the wizard score goal is.

thing is - just removing them isn't good enough. The code needs to be tightened up so this can't happen again. (somthing like you generate a unique hash key based on the date and time + game params that is encrypted.... this is then passed to the server with the score and validated............. this should stop people using fiddler and replaying packets?)

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New member
Jul 15, 2012
James is looking in to the leaderboards currently to see what is happening. If you give us a score that hasn't appeared in the last week, and the platform, we might be able to get a place to start. Also, I need everyone to tell me the scores that are obviously from hacking or cheating. Every table, and I will make this a priority. Thank you.

378,270 on Big Shot, PS Vita, my name is the same as here.

Can we kill those bogus scores from azr07 too?


New member
Jan 7, 2013
I wouldn't count on any missed scores moving into the leaderboard later--it has never worked that way.

I suppose it's possible that their system just has a big set of leaderboard update requests queued up waiting to get through...but it seems more likely that they've just been lost.

Since the last release of TPA you see 'updating' after every played game. This is new and it seems every score is posted to a FS LB server. If those post are logged then it actually is possible to put them in the LB.
A regular Apache webserver logs every single request in a logfile.


New member
Feb 11, 2013
Oh yeahhhhhh... Leaderboards look like they are up! My score for MM showed up, and it was an old one from 2/18. Yeah... Its lookin good, my Black Hole score is in too.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
My understanding is the leaderboard issue got fixed. Your scores were sent to the server, they just hadn't been copied to the correct database, which is why they didn't show up. They should show up now.

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