Head to Head Requests/Feedback


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The guys on the latest podcast wished for a thread for us to state things we'd like when head to head play comes to TPA. I'll start with alternating play, like when 2 or more are competing on a table. Would also like points race mode, like Zen does.

Any other requests?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Another thread got side-tracked into H2H speculation; I like the idea of timed games and/or speed runs. Genuine hotseat could get boring, especially if you can't see what the other player's doing.


New member
Mar 7, 2015
The guys on the latest podcast wished for a thread for us to state things we'd like when head to head play comes to TPA. I'll start with alternating play, like when 2 or more are competing on a table. Would also like points race mode, like Zen does.

Any other requests?

No other requests for me. I remember a few occasions when people hailed me back on the 360 (FX2) for the race modes. Unlimited balls with (I think it was a score percentage penalty) for losing a ball. That was a blast!
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
No other requests for me. I remember a few occasions when people hailed me back on the 360 (FX2) for the race modes. Unlimited balls with (I think it was a score percentage penalty) for losing a ball. That was a blast!

Yep, it was a blast. Before the game the host set up how severe the penalty was, anywhere from no penalty at all to losing your entire score. It wound up being my favorite mode to play.

My concerns with Head 2 Head all have to do with the matchmaking lobby. I used to play Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and DJ Hero A LOT. I rarely had problems getting a match in RB, but GH and especially DJ Hero were sometimes a royal pain. The absolute worst thing is waiting for another player to be paired with. With DJH I'd sometimes wait for over 5 minutes, and then have the person rage quit or lose their connection and I'd be back to the long wait. If there was a way for FarSight to let us know how many players were currently playing H2H, that would at least let you know if waiting was worth it. On top of that idea, while in the cue being able to play pinball would make waiting fly by. As soon as you are matched, you'd just be pulled out of whatever table you were playing.

A lot also has to do with the order FS uses to set up a game. Currently it is you select the table, then the game type, then whether you are playing a random person or a friend. I think this is going to lead to people in game looking for someone else, not realizing another player is doing the same just with a different table. You should first be matched up, then the players select the game type, and last the table. Finding another player first is paramount.

There are variations for how other players could be found. If selecting game mode first is needed for FS, then how 'bout an indicator showing which mode has the most player activity, or if players are waiting to play? If table selection needs to be first, again indicate which tables currently have the most activity. Again going back to the RB/GH matchmaking, if memory serves RB always found a match first, with game type being picked second. GH had you pick your game type and then it would match you. The problem was certain game types were unpopular and you could wait forever to find someone. With finding someone first in RB, you could always talk the person into playing a game type after the fact.

The actual matchmaking itself is still not set in stone at FS. There is supposedly going to be an algorithm that matches like skilled players to each other, but it's not a for sure thing. I just want a way to in game invite friends to play. I don't want to have to use Steam's message system to tell a friend to come into TPA and then try and find them in the H2H lobby. I want to be able to set up the match, send an invite, and as soon as the person accepts and loads TPA, we are connected.

Oh, and at some point I'd love to be able to have voice chat in game too. Especially if we are doing hot seat, so you can comment on the other person's play like you would in an arcade.

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