

New member
Feb 8, 2014
Hi folks! I just joined up and I guess I ought to introduce myself, since there's a forum for it an' all.

tl;dr: I'm EldarOfSuburbia, happy to meet you all, see you around!

I've been playing Pinball Arcade since I discovered it in December, and I've got the Season 1 and 2 pro packs so far. Season 3 will follow in a couple of months probably.

IRL I played most of my pinball between 1992 and 1997 - after that the pubs and arcades started to drop tables and I wasn't prepared, or able, to travel far and wide just to play. Whenever I happen upon a well-maintained table, I'll invest some money if I have the time... but that's been more and more infrequent over the years. In fact I didn't even know Williams had stopped making tables in 1999 until recently. Pinball Arcade was a no-brainer purchase! Every computer pinball game I've picked up just didn't feel right, the rules just didn't work, and so on. What FS have done is truly amazing.

I don't know how active I'll be around the forums, probably just a lurker for the most part, but here I am and maybe I'll make a comment here and there.

Thanks for reading my ramble,

Neil aka EldarOfSuburbia. :cool:

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