Help or hurt?


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I think the majority of us would agree that TPA is fairly valued, even if we can't purchase season passes. But here's my question: since we have an unlimited amount of games on all the tables we have, does it help or hurt your skills? When you drop a quarter (or fifty cents or a dollar bill) in a pinball machine, the expectation is to win games or add more money. You focus on the game. When you are out of money, that's it. You leave. You can leave games when you leave (I know I've done it, to the surprise of the next person). But playing TPA, do you find your attention drifting? Do you subconsciously think, "I'm not doing so swell on this game". Pause, quit, whatever, and start again. Now, when you hit upon a real world table, are your skills REALLY sharp enough to win a game, or a ball as the case may be?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I find myself doing better in real life now. I think that is because I know the rules better. But I'm still pretty terrible.


New member
Oct 16, 2013
I am always happy to find how accurate the TPA table is whenever I find one in real life. It absolutely helps to have played the TPA version first because of overall familiarity with the rule set. If i were to play, say, an Indiana Jones or South Park in real life, I usually have no idea what is going on. I (and my quarters) generally gravitate towards TPA tables in real life because of the value per quarter. I already know what shots to make and which modes to try for, etc. That being said, my real-life pinball skills have dramatically improved due in part, if not mostly because of, constant practice with various ubiquitous skills such as post passes, flipper passes, etc.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Whenever I'm playing just for the hell of it, I'll force myself to play until the end (unless I know I'm just having a horrible run). But if I'm doing it for a specific goal that's not score-related, I just restart.

I did that on my High Speed at home as well... shocking first ball, hit the start button to start a new game. But not anymore.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Virtual pinball has increased my real pinball skills dramatically. I have learned so much from having a platform I can practice on whenever I want. The skills aren't always directly relatable, but I think FS deserve credit for just how close it is.

As for "bad first ball, restart game", though... guilty as charged!


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I don't know if it helps me with skills in real life as i don't have access to real pinball in real life, its very rare...
And for first ball drain restart? No... first i nudge it, tilt... then restart ^^


Mar 25, 2013
TPA certainly helped me be better at real pinball. Growing up I was pretty terrible at pinball so typically would avoid them in the arcades in favor of video games. The few games I played usually didn't last too long so it wasn't much of a value for me. In college I played a bit more pinball since the tables were a lot cooler, and was better at it, but still wasn't great. I'd have some games that would last a few minutes but mainly I would be done pretty quickly. So I stuck to playing the fighting games which I was far better at. And after college I didn't play any real pinball for like two decades. It wasn't until the last two or three years that I've been able to play real tables several times a year. With TPA I was able to apply skills I picked up from it (traps and post passes) and use those skills on the real tables. Games lasted far longer than they used to. I've had a few instances where I've almost walked away from a game because I had been playing so long and kept getting rewarded a replay each game. I never had that experience before.

I would also say the physics, while not exact, are close enough to the real deal that it helped anticipating where the ball would go after it hit something. But of course I am surprised when the ball would do unexpected things - usually not resulting in a drain but would startle me all the same.

The other helpful thing that TPA has done to up my game is that I'll spend a few seconds looking at the rules for a table I'm not familiar with before jumping in. I'll focus on a goal or two at a time which helps me learn the overall table making for an enjoyable experience. Before I would just put my money in and then be all over the place shooting whatever.

So for me its actually helped quite a lot on the real tables.


New member
Dec 31, 2013
Helps to understand a table's rules, and possibly strategies. Beyond that it doesn't help. Playing real pinball is a physical act, of course.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Well I think that most of the pros own their own games or are able to play without pumping quarters in and they'll play as though one game cost them a hundred I'd say it helps.

I know you're mainly referring to TPA but I think this line of thought also applies to people who own pins and can play them till their hearts content.
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Definitely helps me out. I live in an area where there are scarce games, and I find TPA beneficial to practice for any upcoming competitions. I also don't play the machines that often, so definitely a refresher after weekly bowling.


Nov 23, 2013
Playing video pinball is also a physical act, of course.

This discussion remind me of a TV commentator suggesting that floorball I think it is is as tough as ice hockey? In floorball you have no protection as all players are small technical tiny ones that don't tackle and play with plastic club and balls...

But surely I do learn some nudge skills and reaction times get trimmed but that said I am quite sure I play at the lowest division. So if somebody who believe he is crappy would like to challenge me it would be fun.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I did land in the high scores on a FH while in Florida. And half the time I played a Tron Legacy, I managed to hit the Replay. I'd say it's improved my capability.

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