Hey it's Stuzz!


New member
Sep 22, 2015

I'm new and I'm here.

Never played much real pinball growing up since the video games were taking over the world. As a result, most of my formative pinball years were spent with the likes of Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions, Psycho Pinball and other DOS/Amiga faves. More recently it's been Zen and Star Wars Pinball on the WiiU and most recently, Pinball Arcade on the 360.

Only in the past 6 months have I ventured out into the real world with real people and played real competitive pinball. There I met young [MENTION=459]jaredmorgs[/MENTION] and learnt of the Blahcade and related monthly tournament organised around these parts.

So that's me and why I'm here.

As an aside, I'll give a big thumbs up to whoever can identify the origin of the quote in my signature (without utilising your favourite search engine please) :)


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Amiga pinball! Funny how when I played pinball on the Amiga it didn't drive me out to the arcades but TPA does make me look for pinball now? Just shows that recreating tables is breathing life into the real thing too.

Don't know about the quote - Bon Scott? :)

No TPA on PC? 360 TPA seems getting less love as time goes by. Good thing about PC is that I can play DOS games with an emulator still but I don't think any consoles from the 90' would play on todays consoles. That is one of the main reasons I have gone with a gaming PC. That and that I use it as a DAW so I guess I get allot of use from it all around.

Welcome welcome!


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Hi Stuzz,
Welcome to the forums, lot's to discover here and a good atmosphere to boot. I think you and Locksley hit the nail on the proverbial head when it comes to the effect (good) virtual pinball can have on searching out the real thing. I did play a lot of pinball in my college days in the '90s, so I had the virus already probably, but I wonder if I would have bought my 3 real machines if it were not for the fun I had with virtual pinball like VP and TPA. Real machines will kick your behind hard if you come to expect the same level of playing success you can have virtually though, so be prepared :)


New member
Sep 22, 2015
Thanks folks.

[MENTION=5032]Locksley[/MENTION] - I probably would play TPA on PC, but in the vernacular sense of the word - being a computer running a Microsoft operating system - I don't have one. I run Linux on my computer. The last time I checked TPA isn't available for that, and I don't have any desire to bother with WINE to try and make it work. However, like you I also use my computer as a DAW. It's more or less it's only role these days. If you're curious enough you can even find various recordings I've done out on the interwebs. I appreciate the effort with your quote guess too, but that is incorrect. You're on the right track with a musician though. Just needs to be more metal, and more Canadian.

[MENTION=896]Slam23[/MENTION] - You're very right with the ass kicking nature of real tables. TPA is certainly a poor training ground for such. But, my desire to play in the real world was more to do with wanting to play with real, physical people types, rather than real physical machines. This came about from having a great time playing in competitions with a collection of folks on the the WiiU's Miiverse. It was ongoing for a year or maybe more before it dried up, but the competition bug had stung. I figured if I wanted to continue competition play I should seek out like minded individuals myself. So, my foray into the realms of IFPA rankings and PAPA videos was born.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Still, my ego took a slight hit the first time I really got serious again about playing real machines. I came off a very nice hot streak on TPA and got my behind handed to me by various real machines :)
But I get the people and competition aspect, I enjoy that too. I'm often in awe by the skill displayed by top players, like those great (and also funny) videos by Bowen Kerrins.


New member
Sep 22, 2015
Heh, I appreciate the effort Locksley. It's actually a quote from Ziltoid, whom is a puppet created by Devin Townsend.


New member
May 16, 2012
I once was fortunate to interview Devin for a metal fanzine that never came out. Around the time of the first Ocean Machine album. Really nice guy!


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Howdy Stuzz, again, welcome to the group and I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I. I am also glad you got to participate in this month's ToTM...

I think the DOS pinball video games that are dearest to my heart was Epic Pinball series. I really enjoyed playing that and Extreme Pinball, by the same company, 20 years ago.

I would like to play it again, but still can understand how to use a DOS emulator. One day I'll figure it out and play Epic again.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Thanks Stuzz, I sure would appreciate the help figuring out a DOS Box. It is as befaffling (befuddling & baffling) to me as Virtual Pinball. :confused:

I have the Epic Pinball original CD. Plus, I have a CD of Epic's Extreme Pinball.

It would be interesting to compare how I feel about the Epic tables now, compared to when I last remember playing them.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
way to leave me hangin. no, i'm only kidding. i'm full of it. thx for humoring me. also welcome. i'm a bit late on the draw. Stuzz is my friend and no one else can have him :(

he's mine. back off

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