Heya, look what a friend posted on Facebook...


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Nudging is another story ;)

I actually learned how nudging works thanks to TPA. I never got a hold of the idea behind it before, but on TPA it's so predictable that you easily realise exactly what is happening and why.
Sure, nudging does work completely different on an actual physical table, especially when it comes to saving the ball from the outlanes, and the classic side slap away from the slingshot when the ball comes down from an orbit (on TPA I actually nudge the table the opposite direction, to alter the trajectory of the ball, as opposed to using the side to push it)


Jun 27, 2012
I think the amount of people who know the names of any of the top pinball players is very small compared to TPA's target demographic. :)

Yeah, really, FarSight's real claim of 'Name Brand Recongition' is banking on people going 'Oh wow, I remember that table from (Insert Bar/Restaurant/Theme Park/Ect. Here)! I totally gotta play that again!"

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