Heyo, longtime pinball enthusiast here


New member
Aug 30, 2013
So I've decided to get back into pinball but don't have the funds to buy real tables (college student finances :( ). Anyway I was playing pinball fx2 on my friend's steam account and was having fun but I don't like how heavy the ball feels in it, nudging barely does anything except for outlane drain saves (MANLY). Anyway I'm just here to say hi!

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Hi. FX2 is great for what it does, but the physics are not nearly as good as the tables on The Pinball Arcade or AKS Homework's Zaccaria series of tables. You will love TPA on Steam. The tables are beautiful and the physics are getting better and better by the day. The beta is a ton of fun, and the issues are getting spotted and fixed very fast.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Welcome to the forum! There's a great group of pinheads here, and hopefully TPA and other pinball software doesn't also dent those funds of yours ;)

Pinside.com is a nice site that will help you lose quarters in your local area...

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