Hi everyone


New member
Oct 9, 2018
Hi, everyone.

I'm João, from Portugal, and after a long time lurking these forums, I figured I had to finally create an account, so I could interact with some fellow digital pinball fans. :)
I formerly owned a couple of physical tables many years ago, but since unfortunately I can't seem to find any physical tables anywhere in my home town, I had to turn to playing digital pinball (on PC) to get my pinball fix. ;)

These forums have been an invaluable source of info and tips, and I'm glad to now be a part of it.

Kind regards


New member
Oct 9, 2018
What pins did you own?

What are a couple of your all time favorite pins?
Hi, Kolchak357. Nice to see another Kolchak fan, great series (and tv movies). ;)

The machines I owned (or, to be precise, they were my father's) were:
-one was Firepower, from Williams;
-the other one, I'm... not sure :) I never saw the design since, it was probably an European constructed machine, late 70's or very early 80's, relatively basic in design and construction. It reminds me of some of the Zaccaria tables I'm familiar with, it had a bit of a fantasy theme, and the drawing of a female face on the top left side (kind of like a character from an Edgar Rice Burroughs comic). Maybe a knock-off of something, or a table done by a small company.

Sadly, when he sold the house, both pins, and a pool table, were sold with the house, since we didn't have space for them in the new one (I only kept an arcade machine).

As for favourite pins, some of my favourite include:
-WHO dunnit
-Creature from the Black Lagoon
-The Addams Family
-Tales of the Arabian Nights
-Cirqus Voltaire
-Attack from Mars

Thank you! :)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Firepower is a classic. Great one to own. That difficult multiball keeps you coming back for more.
You favorites are some of the all time great DMD pins. That was a great era.

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