Well, Surrey, to be precise. Long-time Pinball fanatic, an obsession honed in my University years - the multiple colleges on my Uni campus had a couple of tables each, and rotated them regularly: I got to play Firepower/Xenon/centaur?Medusa/8 Ball Deluxe/Skate Ball/Barracora/Ms Pac Man and dozens more on a daily basis for three years!
Anyway, the obsession still burns, and now that family means I've had to give up the tables I owned (the last was a '64 Gottleib Wedgehead "Bowling Queen") I've just transferred that obsession to TPA. Played all the tables up to Big Shot on my iPhone, before realising I had the bug TOO BAD. Took a deep breath and bought an iPad mini, just for TPA. Has been the best £ I ever spent.
Anyway, nice to be here.
Anyway, the obsession still burns, and now that family means I've had to give up the tables I owned (the last was a '64 Gottleib Wedgehead "Bowling Queen") I've just transferred that obsession to TPA. Played all the tables up to Big Shot on my iPhone, before realising I had the bug TOO BAD. Took a deep breath and bought an iPad mini, just for TPA. Has been the best £ I ever spent.
Anyway, nice to be here.