High CPU and settings?

Armin Ruoff

New member
May 30, 2013
It ain't better. Funny thing is that it's almost running fine from time to time, to suddenly fall back into slow motion. It was like this by the time of my first post already.

Shoot Again

New member
Aug 26, 2012
Stuart, do you have any update for us? I don't want to sound pushy but I kind of miss playing this game you know. It would be nice to hear if you have been able to reproduce the problem at Farsight and what hardware you are using in trying to do so.

I have just tried installing the brand new OS X 10.9.3 update and a fresh install of Pinball Arcade 3.6.0. Still going into intermittent slow-motion in my first game (after a couple of minutes). Too bad, I was really hoping for a solution. :(


New member
Aug 20, 2013
Alright, anyone feel like testing something for me? We believe the performance issues are coming from the Anti-Aliasing setting.

Wow. I'd walked away from this program from the combination of the AA setting bug that made the game on my Mini unplayable (reported in a Mac bug thread in Aug 13) and the loss of the up-front season pass in year three. I spent a lot of time in deleting preferences, hunting for configuration files and uninstalling the program in a futile effort to return the program to normal and it turns out it was a friggin keychain? :(

I'm glad that it's finally been ID'd though. And the workaround did fix my AA problem.

Shoot Again

New member
Aug 26, 2012
It has not solved the problems with intermittent slow-downs on my system. Just tested with the brand new 3.7.0 version – the bug is still there unfortunately. :-/


New member
Jul 14, 2014
It has not solved the problems with intermittent slow-downs on my system. Just tested with the brand new 3.7.0 version – the bug is still there unfortunately. :-/

same for me.. i tried the keychain thing and it didn't make any difference. the problem is quite apparent within < 1 minute (i was testing the most recent update in full screen with creature from the black lagoon). this is on an early 2011 15" MBP running latest mavericks.

if there's any additional info i could provide that would help track the issue i'd be happy to help.. this problem is the only thing that stops me from coming back to PA :(


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I loaded up TPA on my macbook for the first time in a while the other day to check out High Roller, and I was getting the slowdown bug just scrolling through the list of tables I owned. I never noticed that before... I did spend far more time than usual in the table list because I triple checked to make sure that none of my season 3 tables were displayed there (with the exception of Fish Tales) :mad:


New member
Jan 31, 2014
a few things I noticed that causes slow down

windowed mode slows it down, full screen runs fine

video based programs running will slow it down. having quicktime running slowed it down. seems like having a youtube page open slowed it down as well
I also noticed having a browser open loaded full of a bunch of tabs can also cause PA to occasionally slow down as well.
most of the time, I quit browsers before playing

otherwise, I find it runs fine

Shoot Again

New member
Aug 26, 2012
It's important to note that some system configurations are not affected by the slow-down bug. I've played just fine on a Mavericks system running on a 2008 MacBook Pro while my top-of-the-line MacBook Pro Retina from late 2013 had the slow-down bug from day 1, installed on a fresh system.

MadAxeMan, consider yourself lucky. (This is not about something as simple as going for full-screen mode or closing other apps.)


New member
Nov 19, 2013
I'll admit I don't even have pinball arcade on any of my macs but it seems a lot of you are having issues on newer hardware. Have any of you tried going into your power settings and deselecting the automatic switching between your igpu and dedicated gpu? I've had to do that for a few games on my retina MacBook Pro. Might be worth a shot

Shoot Again

New member
Aug 26, 2012
Now I've made a clean install (formatted the drive) of Yosemite and installed the latest version of Pinball Arcade and it still slows down. It's really sad Farsight doesn't seem to care. :(

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