High Speed impressions


Oct 29, 2012
With cryptic clues like that you might be the next Farsight Employee.

I most sincerely doubt it. I am well beyond retirement age and have no desire to do game development again.

On topic, High Speed on Steam is an excellent rendition which I'm betting most pinheads are going to really enjoy. The action is fast and furious and the graphics are clean sharp and well rendered.



New member
Mar 26, 2012
It's out! Woke up to find a Steam and iOS update. iOS also gets MFi support, so I can finally use my PS3 controller :D



New member
Mar 26, 2012
Holy crap. Just played the PC version, and as someone who owns a High Speed... they literally could not have done a much better job. Not only is it surprising how much it feels like the real table, but it actually feels like *mine*. Which means their version is setup as steep as hell (guessing around 7.5 degrees?). Which is good.

Few niggles (PC version): No rubber along the back of the orbit shot (as long as it behaves like there is, that's fine) and there are two flashers along the back as well which don't light up (particularly noticeable when you get an extra ball and the lighting sweeps from left to right, it only lights the two sets of flashers on either side and not the ones along the back). There's also a post or two missing but again, not noticeable. Biggest things are the flashers and the playfield rubber along the back IMO.

But man, I was a little worried this would play too easy when it was announced. And to an extent it's obviously easier than the real thing because it IS virtual, but all the techniques I use when playing the real machine (such as flipper passes etc.) are 100% accurate.

Bravo to everyone at FS, this is an immaculate looking and perfect playing version of my favourite table.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Farsight has brought out their A Game this season

Just hope we get the dx11 version for pc soon
How good would High Speed look than and every other table for that matter
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Very fast game

Didn't know that over 17,000 units of this table were made
Must have been very popular
It's considered one of the main tables that brought pinball "back" after the video arcade boom of the early 80s. I think the other big ones were Pin*Bot and Space Shuttle.

I've noticed the iOS version is a bit buggy with the sound though. For some reason the audio is a bit more juddery and stop-start, like it's not looping properly or the samples aren't long enough so there's gaps in-between each sound (rather than being fluid). Doesn't happen on PC version.

Oh, and the navigation/button sounds are there when entering initials on the iOS version as well :(

Still a great playing table, but there are definitely a few tweaks here and there that need to be fixed.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Very fun game to play! It took me exactly one game to complete the standard goals...

Seriously,the game looks good and plays fast. It's not Banzai Run...but I'll take it anyways :)


New member
May 3, 2013
Shoot, I guess I never played this version before. I thought High Speed was just a nickname people used to describe what I grew up playing called "The Getaway". Looking closer at the panel now I see "High Speed II" in a thin font in black over a dark blue background (terrible design), but playing pinball as a kid I didn't take the time to carefully look at the back panel, I just saw "The Getaway" and took that as the name as it should always be obvious what your product name is at a cursory glance. Now what I see FS has re-created is a completely inferior version that I've not personally seen.

No dot matrix display with the cool minigame, no super charger ramp, no gear shifting...it sucks. So glad I only downloaded the free version. I figured I would just play it to make sure it wasn't buggy and then a guaranteed purchase. I thought something was off though when the table loaded up, like assets were missing. And then when I saw the scores were more like the old style (I don't know what you call it, but like Funhouse and Bride of Pinbot's scoring display) I knew something was wrong.

Completely on me, of course, but I don't understand why FS would bother with an inferior version. I couldn't see anything this table had that was unique in terms of features that the second one didn't have. High Speed II (which I now know it should be called, not just what's prominently displayed on the back panel "The Getaway") is superior in every way and the only reason I could see them also doing the original is just for the sake of trying to get a complete pinball collection on the arcade.

I REALLY hope they get the actually good version of this pin because I've been waiting so long for it only to run into what felts like a belated 4/1 joke. I know people who grew up on the old version will obviously say they prefer it through the standard nostalgia filter, but I'd like to honestly hear some unbiased analysis on what this version offers that make it worth playing if both were available.
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I'd like to honestly hear some unbiased analysis on what this version offers that make it worth playing if both were available.
Does this meet your qualification of unbiased?
First pinball to play a complete song.
First Williams pinball game to use alpha-numeric displays.
First use of Auto Percentaging (for replay scores).
First Jackpot available only during multiball.
First use of broken switch compensation programming.
First SS game with operator report.
"High Speed" was the first machine to use automatic replay percentaging. It was also the first to have a multiball jackpot that grew and held-over game to game. High Speed was also the first machine to use Williams' System 11 hardware.

Steve Ritchie has said: "It was based on a true story. I was actually chased by the cops at 146 mph in my 1979 Porsche 928."


New member
May 24, 2013
another great table, bloody fast yahoo !!! well done FARSIGHT keep these great tables coming !!! thanks !!! :)
Feb 19, 2014
This is my first time playing. And I'm loving it.

Victory seems like it ripped off high speed. A lot. Interesting that would be table of the month.

I love these system 11s. Straight forward, no bs, just fast scoring action.


New member
May 3, 2013
Does this meet your qualification of unbiased?

So from a pure enjoyment POV, nothing over its successor (a valid query as it's not uncommon for a predecessor to have some feature that was omitted in a sequel that really didn't need to). I totally understand the historical significance and that's what I was talking about before would be including it for the sake of including it for a complete historical collection. But I certainly hope that the more fun version (imo, of course...though if fun as it relates between versions is the definition of more mechanics and improvements across the board...then it's virtually fact) is coming immediately next. This title feels like something that could have been lumped in a bundle or just done near the end to wrap up the collection when they ran out of the premium titles. In fact, why not make it a bundle? The playfield has a ton of similarities that I feel like they could use a lot of the assets and making HS2 wouldn't be as daunting as a new pin altogether. It just occurred to me right now, that La Grange is the theme in HS2 so if it's just a matter of those rights possibly being expensive I'd love to see a KS for it go up this month.

I'm not saying FS is necessarily doing it out of order, but as an example if they had the option to do AF:Gold or just AF. I'm sure people would question FS if they chose to just to do AF.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Gotta agree with weirdingway on this one. It is so not true that it's necessary to have both this and Getaway. This was awesome back in the day, but now it seems primitive and dated. Sure its an important piece of pinball history, but like King Kong revolutionized special effects in motion pictures, compared to Avatar it looks like crap. So is it with this table, which like SS, was the best table of its day, but that day has long passed. Had they released Getaway first, which uses almost the exact same playfield, but is superior in every way, no one would want anything to do with this primitive piece of junk. Smart from a business standpoint, but from a player's perspective we got screwed. Season three lays its first egg!
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