High Speed or High Speed 2: The Getaway

If you had to choose between High Speed and High Speed 2: The Getaway, which one?

  • High Speed

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • High Speed 2: The Getaway

    Votes: 33 57.9%

  • Total voters


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
There have been a lot of discussions that come up regarding these games. I thought it would be interesting to see which one of these games we are MOST interested in.

My stance is: I would love to see both games in TPA (hell I'd take them both in one pack), but my preference for first to come out would be the Getaway, simply because i think it's a superior game.

My view would parallel the Super Mario Bros series. If I had to choose between the first SMB and Super Mario 3, as much as I loved the first, the 3rd is just much more game. No hate to the original intended I just prefer the second as being an overall improvement on the concepts that the first game ushered in.

I'm sure that most of us who love one Getaway game also loves the other, or at least holds a special place for both if you love one, but of course we all have our own reasons for preferring one over the other.

My story is that The Getaway was the first pinball machine I learned inside and out, got my initials in the top score (for a while I even held the record on the high score list on VPForums for the FS version). It really was the table that made me love playing pinball and learned the ins and outs of the game itself.

I'm interested in hearing all of our stories regarding this game and would like to see the interest in you would want to see come out if there was only one of the two that could.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Just based on "La Grange" alone, The Getaway. Music in High Speed sounds like it's out of an early 80's porno. :p

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
The Getaway is my favorite pin, no doubt about it. However, I think I'm gonna go with HS just because of historical significance. I'm sure both will make it eventually, but HS was revolutionary for its time, and I think it deserves to make it to TPA first.

Again, The Getaway is my favorite pin, but I'd rather see HS first.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
If I must choose, I will have to go with the Getaway by a slim margin. It's just a little more polished in every way. A little flashier, better sound & music, and the supercharger is a wow the first time the ball goes in there. It's also one of my wife's favorite pins.

That being said I love the original High Speed also. Such a classic theme and layout. Plus I think it is the more challenging of the two (for me at least). This game always whips my rear.

I play them both at the Pinball Parlour pretty regularly. They sit just a few feet from each other. I always play both, and I always play the original first. A silly tradition for me, but one I would like to see FarSight keep going. Please bring us both of these iconic machines, and please give them to us in the proper order.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
I would like to see HS first so it can get some love. If Getaway comes out first people will just bury HS.

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New member
Jul 6, 2012
Sorry for the cross-post quoting myself from another thread, but this addresses this topic directly:

Originally Posted by dave950lam
I'd be willing to bet that High Speed is in works. It is one of the ground-breaking machines (first musical soundtrack) in pinball lore. Other machines I can see coming:

F14 Tomcat

My reply in the other thread:

I would very much love to see all five of those tables, and I'd add the one my brother most wants to see, Red & Ted's Roadshow to the list as well.

With respect to High Speed vs. High Speed II, while yes, I'd love both tables, if I could only have one, it would be the original. That's the table that really drew me into pinball when I was young. Oh, sure, we'd stop at Sam's Town in Cameron Park on the way to Lake Tahoe and play on their enormous collection of old Gottlieb EM machines (back when they weren't THAT old), but I never got a passion for pinball until I started playing High Speed in my local Gold Mine arcade.

If Jay Obernolte, Bobby King and I were sitting down to a nice steak dinner and they leaned over and asked me sincerely what ONE table from any manufacturer or designer or era I want to see added to The Pinball Arcade, it would be the original High Speed for this reason.

Not only was it the first table with a soundtrack, it was the first table with a story. Before High Speed, every table was just "hit those bumpers", "clear those targets", "spin that spinner", "light that lamp", "get the ball in that hole", etc. High Speed was the first table that had a veritable narrative arc: "turn the traffic light yellow", "turn the traffic light red", "run the red light to get the cops chasing you", "get away from the cops". The historic nature of the addition of this level of depth can't be overstated. FarSight has often said (quite rightly) that in addition to just making a video game that's fun to play, they want to function as a digital museum of pinball in order to bring pinball to a whole new generation of fans. The history behind High Speed demands that it be included in the collection.

Do I want to enjoy that supercharger and shifting gears and all the rest of it? You bet. But, I'd give that up if I knew I could only have one of the two.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Getaway is much more fun but High Speed was more significant at the time of its release. I would actually enjoy both.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I expected this to be a close race. I hope the trend continues. I'm also glad to see the love for both tables. And it's looking to be an interesting poll.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Curious how this poll is so close, yet High Speed II (unfortunately as far as I'm concerned) vastly outperformed the original High Speed in PinWiz's Williams poll. I really hope PinWiz's poll's result doesn't torpedo the chances of the original High Speed being made. FWIW, I've also noticed the "chatter" in these fora to be pretty equal for the two tables as well; much more indicative of this poll than PinWiz's Williams poll. That may just indicate that there really are more fans of HS2 than HS1, but that fans of the original are more talkative and/or passionate about it.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It's an interesting little "rivalry" for sure (for lack of a better term). I'm willing to bet that most fans want both titles, when it comes down to it.

Kind of like having to choose to protect OR to serve :D


New member
Jul 6, 2012
It's an interesting little "rivalry" for sure (for lack of a better term). I'm willing to bet that most fans want both titles, when it comes down to it.

Kind of like having to choose to protect OR to serve :D

Well, yes. As a wise man once said, "I prefer everything."


New member
Nov 28, 2012
seriously, one cool table pack!

Also, love to see Comet and Cyclone in one table pack!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I expected this to be a close race. I hope the trend continues. I'm also glad to see the love for both tables. And it's looking to be an interesting poll.

Yes. Both are great tables and I frequently look for a HS at shows because I don't want to shell out the cash for a HSII. I like The Getaway better but the original is the more historically significant pin.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Y'know what would be really cool? If they could get the surrounding ambient light to simulate the siren light on top of the backbox when being chased by the cops. Unlike the fan in WW or Gunther in TO, this is one case where we could actually have the backbox toy still be part of the sim.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Y'know what would be really cool? If they could get the surrounding ambient light to simulate the siren light on top of the backbox when being chased by the cops. Unlike the fan in WW or Gunther in TO, this is one case where we could actually have the backbox toy still be part of the sim.

Would absolutely love to see this. It's even better on F-14 with the triple dome lights.


My view would parallel the Super Mario Bros series. If I had to choose between the first SMB and Super Mario 3, as much as I loved the first, the 3rd is just much more game. No hate to the original intended I just prefer the second as being an overall improvement on the concepts that the first game ushered in.

Super Mario World any day!!


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I can't say I prefer either one, though the supercharger is a cool gimmick. I definitely want both on TPA. A little surprised that at least one of them isn't out already.

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