How much are you willing to pay for TZ?


New member
Jul 29, 2012
So the long awaited table is nearly upon us, after all the moaning and groaning about the price of the pro version of totan, it got me thinking. How much are people willing to part with for TZ? I love TPA and have bought all the tables for IOS and PS3(EU) and will continue to support farsight, thanks to farsight my love of pinball has been totally rekindled and made me seek out real pins to play in London, which i have done and really enjoyed doing so in the process.

The point of this thread isnt to start putting farsight down in any way and i hope it doesnt happen, im just really interested in what people would be willing to part with for our first premium single dlc, personally i think i'd pay upto £5 possibly a little more. I havent had the fortune to play a real TZ but i do have the VP version and really enjoy it.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Im of two minds fivers ok for tz but you could charge me fifty for tng and ill find a way to accept it


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I want to own a table and a tng restored by pinball heaven went for under £1700 last night on ebay, was i mad not to bid for it? Im really starting to think i was, im not a trekkie per se but do love this table.


New member
May 16, 2012
It would be splendid if they didn't charge more than the usual $4.99 for a two table pack. I'd pay up to about $7.99 without hesitation and may be okay with up to $9.99.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
It would be splendid if they didn't charge more than the usual $4.99 for a two table pack. I'd pay up to about $7.99 without hesitation and may be okay with up to $9.99.

Same here, 10 dlls would not surprise me

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I want to own a table and a tng restored by pinball heaven went for under £1700 last night on ebay, was i mad not to bid for it? Im really starting to think i was, im not a trekkie per se but do love this table.
Assuming this was in good condition, and the shipping wasn't ridiculously expensive, yeah you were mad not to bid.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
The Facebook horde will most likely squawk at anything over $5. But anything at or less than $10 would seem like a nice bargain to me.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I hope it's at least $10, and here's why...

We already know that FarSight is going to continue to pursue tables using Kickstarters. If backers of those Kickstarters end up paying significantly more money for the basic table (which was a minimum of $20 on the Kickstarters so far), then that route will quickly become eroded by people waiting to buy the table until it's released. They have to do something to ensure that future Kickstarters will continue to be viable; I'm sure we all have one or two tables we know need a high-priced license.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I donated for both kickstarters and one of the main reasons farsight said they wanted to do them was for the tables to be accessible to everyone without burdening the price with the licensing costs. I hope the maximum price for twilight zone to be the current price for a pack of two tables.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I hope it's at least $10, and here's why...

We already know that FarSight is going to continue to pursue tables using Kickstarters. If backers of those Kickstarters end up paying significantly more money for the basic table (which was a minimum of $20 on the Kickstarters so far), then that route will quickly become eroded by people waiting to buy the table until it's released. They have to do something to ensure that future Kickstarters will continue to be viable; I'm sure we all have one or two tables we know need a high-priced license.

Thats a great point you put there, unfortunately i was too late into TPA to contibute to the TZ kickstarter and i didnt (with shame and hindsight) put into STTNG cos after watching the papa vid didnt think it was a table for me, however after playing the VP version i would of happily contributed (it was too late at that point) and will do so on future tables. I'm a big fan of this franchise and will support it fully.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Actually, $10 was the minimum pledge to get either table on a single platform of our choosing. This makes me think that FarSight may charge up to $9.99 for each table, but may choose to charge $4.99 to reach a wider fanbase and as someone who pledged $100 to both Kickstarter Projects (which I will gladly do for future Kickstarter Projects), I'm fine with that. The whole purpose of pledging to both Kickstarter Projects was to make sure both tables saw the light of day and we succeeded!


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Assuming the licensing costs were covered by the Kickstarter campaign (that *was* the purpose of raising an extra $50,000, right?), the price should be the same as the other tables, but I could see charging as much as $5 for it (usually that gets you two tables, but for certain special tables, that seems reasonable). I don't think $10 is gonna fly. IMO most people won't pay that much for it. Surely everyone on this forum would, but the general public most likely won't — and then it'll be a failure (both in the sense of reaching as wide an audience as possible — one of Farsight's often-stated goals — and in the sense that it'll probably wind up making less money overall).


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The percentage that CBS wants in royalties for each unit sold will be a major influence on what FarSight ends up charging for The Twilight Zone and Star Trek : The Next Generation.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
The percentage that CBS wants in royalties for each unit sold will be a major influence on what FarSight ends up charging for The Twilight Zone and Star Trek : The Next Generation.
Selling enough units is also a major consideration. I don't think it will sell too well at over $10. I'm not sure if even I'd pay more than that, given the bugs and imperfect physics, not that I'll even have the opportunity to.


New member
May 10, 2012
Actually, $10 was the minimum pledge to get either table on a single platform of our choosing. This makes me think that FarSight may charge up to $9.99 for each table, but may choose to charge $4.99 to reach a wider fanbase and as someone who pledged $100 to both Kickstarter Projects (which I will gladly do for future Kickstarter Projects), I'm fine with that. The whole purpose of pledging to both Kickstarter Projects was to make sure both tables saw the light of day and we succeeded!

Well put Pin Wiz! 4.99 is the right price. (Some see kickstarter as a way to pre-order a product but that undermines the whole idea of the kickstarter principle. It is called rewards for helping it get funding not a pre-order)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
$4.99 is the price I'll be happy with. I look at that as the price I'd normally get 2 tables for, so already the table would be twice the normal price. If they charge $9.99, and then you figure ST:TNG would be that same price, that's $20 for 2 tables. To the average consumer, that price is awfully steep. I recognize the bargain compared to real world cost, but even for me that pushes it from day one impulse buy to is there anything else I needed to spend $10 on this week?

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