How much are you willing to pay for TZ?


New member
Aug 12, 2012
$0. I expect it for "free" since I participated in the KS :). Actually, I went for the Pro mode level, so $0 for the full thing. I think there's a few extra perks as well, but I can't remember what they are.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I just hope that this table is bug free ( which seems unlikely ), if after the whole kickstarter thing FS start stepping on a fresh batch of rakes it isn't going to go down well.

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
If TZ will cost $10, or €9 here in europe, i will not buy it !!

A normal two table DLC is €4,49 and i think it is enough for special table.

If it more than €5 i leave it.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Anything over 5 bucks would make no sense, as the whole premise for the kickstarter was to keep the price down so everyone was able to enjoy it. Plus I think anything over 5 bucks will remove it self from "impulse purchase" territory. And if they go up to 10 they effectivily gained nothing from that pledgelevel (or the 20 dollar one) in the kickstarter towards the licensing fee.


New member
Jul 11, 2012
I'd like to see $5. Any more than that... I'd rather Farsight work on many of the other great tables that don't have such high license fees. If I'm down to my last $10 credit I'd rather have 4 tables than just the one. I think overall they would get more money through sales at 5.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I think that $5 is the price that the table should be. If they are wanting to charge a higher price like $10 for the table, then what is really the point of having a kickstarter project.

Plus I think that if you price it too high, then you are going to really limit the number of people who will purchase this table.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Hey guys,
This may be a little off topic but I noticed that some TZ kickstarter supporters had received emails regarding which platform they want their table for. Were these just for beta testers or has FarSight just not got to everyone yet? I had pledged enough for the table but not received any email yet.


New member
May 23, 2012
I think that $5 is the price that the table should be. If they are wanting to charge a higher price like $10 for the table, then what is really the point of having a kickstarter project.

Plus I think that if you price it too high, then you are going to really limit the number of people who will purchase this table.

took the words right out of my mouth. Anything higher than 5 bucks means people will scoff at the thought of purchasing this table. Plus they can't even get the non licensed tables right. Or they may screw it up with the release of future packs.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I think it would be a hard sell for anything over 5. I don't think paying more than the price we normally pay for two would go over well...especially with a lot of the phone crowd that thinks everything should be a dollar.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
The mere fact that you guys created a post and said you would be willing to pay more than $5 for a table is going to kill it for the rest of us. What would make you think they would charge more then any other table in the first place? I will tell you what... I will tell them I will only pay $1 dollar for the game and they can call my bluff and charge the same price as the rest of the games. What kind of negotiators are you guys anyway? That's like Farsight saying we will come up with a price point set high and then work are way down until we come up with a price we both like and then farsight starts the bid out at double the price and then you shake on it right off the bat without so much as a thought.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
What would make you think they would charge more then any other table in the first place?
The fact that it took a $55,000 kickstarter to even get the table going, for starters. Then the fact that TZ has lots of licenses and so will have a higher residual licensing cost than other tables.

While I'd be tickled pink if the masses could get TZ for $4.99, that's only $1 more than RBION and SS. I doubt the extra royalties for all the TZ licenses will fit in one extra dollar of revenue, which is why I've been guessing $6.99 or $7.99 will be the price.


Jul 11, 2012
$5 no more or you get funky wallet amounts remaining. It cost $ to make money and it just cost them alot less, the product should sell well no need to jack it up by scaring away business with too high of a price.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
$5 no more or you get funky wallet amounts remaining. It cost $ to make money and it just cost them alot less, the product should sell well no need to jack it up by scaring away business with too high of a price.

Even as it is I have weird amounts in my ps3 wallet. Minimum sony funding amount is 5 dollars so that leaves a penny left over each time. I have 3 cents in there now. Glad I don't have any OCD issues! :D


New member
Sep 23, 2012
One billion dollars.

Seriously though, with the kickstarter, I would expect it to be the same as the other tables.

If they raise the price they'll sell less copies. If they keep the prices low, they'll have loyal customers like me who buy every single table pack, on one or more platforms.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
They could be releasing the pro version at the same time which would allow the dedicated to pay more for the table anyway


New member
Aug 12, 2012
One billion dollars.

Seriously though, with the kickstarter, I would expect it to be the same as the other tables.

If they raise the price they'll sell less copies. If they keep the prices low, they'll have loyal customers like me who buy every single table pack, on one or more platforms.

Most of that kickstarter money didn't go to funding the table. It went to paying the license holder of TZ so they'd sit down and hammer out a license agreement.

Owners of valuable properties often do that to see if you're serious - they want you to pay them $50,000 immediately as good-faith bargaining money to see that you're willing to pay for the license and that you're not some fan wanting to make a few T-shirts or something. Helps pay for all the lawyers and other stuff to happen. Don't pay the $50k, don't get the license. Oh yeah, don't forget about ongoing royalties.

Basically all of those who participated in KS are causing FarSight to lose money because they don't have any revenue for that table at all.


New member
May 18, 2012
€4 to €5. If it's going to be higher than that it REALLY needs to be a super table.


New member
May 10, 2012
i still say if i seen twilight zone on the street though, it drop at least 10 bucks worth of quarters in it.

Id expect the kickstarter/premium tables to be 5 bucks, the same price as the double packs.
i would pay more if i had to but i think were looking at 5ish

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