How much would an Addams Family pinball kickstarter be?

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Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
Great logic, Aristotle.

The Addams Family has a Broadway musical that has been touring the World for the past 3 years. Does Twilight Zone, T2, or the Mummy have a currently touring broadway musical? ICONIC FTW

A musical you say?

Schoolhouse Rock has a musical. Does it have a pinball machine? Come to think of it a pinball machine based off schoolhouse rock would be pretty cool. They should get on that. It could play the songs and you have the stages of the bill be things you need to get (President's Signature is Lit).

Where was I?

Oh yes. They aren't going to make a musical based off an action movie, especially not Terminator, not until they can put liquid metal on stage AND get it to sing. Twilight Zone won't get a musical because the minute they say "you unlock this door with the key to imagination" people will think "oh great an expensive musical where they pantomime the props and we have to imagine everything" and then leave.

As for Star Trek, they actually WERE going to make a musical based on it, but after seeing what happened to the Spider Man Musical nobody wanted to put on a red shirt.

Besides when were musicals the iconic force to be reckoned with? They only made a musical to Shrek after the series was past it's heyday. Hell that's how Disney uses it now, to squeeze some money out of old films that not even they want to milk for film sequels (and that's saying something). If anything, getting a musical now is a sure sign that you're past your prime. I'd say it's like jumping the shark but I don't think they've ever put a live shark in a musical.
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New member
Apr 11, 2012
I was being facetious to show how silly your logic is. Just because you haven't played Addams Family and don't like Addams family, that doesn't mean it's not "iconic". It was the most popular pinball machine of all time. The average non pinball person remembers this table. That's why everyone on facebook wants it. Truthfully, you would have to be a complete pinball ignoramus to not know anything about it.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've never played the table but if you told me it was a very popular tale before the pinball arcade, i wouldn't have believed. That show is ancient and doesn't have a large fan base. How much do you think that license would be valued at?

I'm serious though, I've never played the table, don't care about the Addams Family that much and I've been burned by buying games based off everyone's super hype before.

So I'm guessing we can just close this thread now, as you had zero interest in actually listening to people answer your question. You put it out there that you've never played the machine, therefore you have no leg to stand on in regards to the quality of the machine. You ask for an answer and get multiple. And then you come right back around to you couldn't care less and have zero interest because you've never played it. Wow.

Besides when were musicals the iconic force to be reckoned with? If anything, getting a musical now is a sure sign that you're past your prime. I'd say it's like jumping the shark but I don't think they've ever put a live shark in a musical.

Ya know what, I live in California too, so I get that musicals are a total afterthought for us. In New York and London? HUGE. Ever heard of Wizard of Oz? Gee, it's only 75 years old, is getting an IMAX 3D re-release, is a musical, and has a brand new pinball machine out now that people are going nuts over! Pull your head out. The movie 'Chicago', which won a best pic oscar, yeah based off the stage production. Hardly a step down. 'The Producers' started out as a movie, then became a musical, then became a movie again! One of the hottest shows going right now, 'Book of Mormon', was done as a stage musical first because Matt and Trey felt it was the best medium for doing the show without compromise instead of trying to get it past a movie studio.

Go ahead, live in your little bubble. Your reaction to people's valid points is like that of a person sticking their fingers in their ears and going "la la la la la, I'm not listening to you!" Your refusal to listen to reason and logic all so you can stand by your original statement is astounding.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
So I'm guessing we can just close this thread now, as you had zero interest in actually listening to people answer your question. You put it out there that you've never played the machine, therefore you have no leg to stand on in regards to the quality of the machine. You ask for an answer and get multiple. And then you come right back around to you couldn't care less and have zero interest because you've never played it. Wow.

Ya know what, I live in California too, so I get that musicals are a total afterthought for us. In New York and London? HUGE. Ever heard of Wizard of Oz? Gee, it's only 75 years old, is getting an IMAX 3D re-release, is a musical, and has a brand new pinball machine out now that people are going nuts over! Pull your head out. The movie 'Chicago', which won a best pic oscar, yeah based off the stage production. Hardly a step down. 'The Producers' started out as a movie, then became a musical, then became a movie again! One of the hottest shows going right now, 'Book of Mormon', was done as a stage musical first because Matt and Trey felt it was the best medium for doing the show without compromise instead of trying to get it past a movie studio.

Go ahead, live in your little bubble. Your reaction to people's valid points is like that of a person sticking their fingers in their ears and going "la la la la la, I'm not listening to you!" Your refusal to listen to reason and logic all so you can stand by your original statement is astounding.

I'm unwilling to buy it before I try it is different than "I have 0 interest in it" I'm curious to see how it plays. I want the kickstarter to succeed and I'd like to try the real thing.

And lighten up buddy me sayig that stuff about musicals was a joke more than anything. Although a movie adaptation of a musical is different than a musical adaptation of something else. Plus Chicago didn't bring in the second coming of Hollywood musicals like everyone thought.


Jan 30, 2013
The quality of a movie doesn't really correlate with the quality of its pinball, sure a popular movie will help sales but it wont make a pinball one of the most appreciated of all time. Before you have a chance to try out the game for yourself and see how your personal relationship with the shots and strategies works out here is a tutorial to give you an idea how it plays.
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