I'm mainly just wondering if there is a way to turn off the annoying pop up that keeps coming up that "You beat _______ score" when playing... It looks like one of those pop ups that you get for completing a wizard goal, which I don't mind those and still want those to come up, I just don't want the ones about beating someone's score...
I have checked the options/settings from the pause screen while playing, from the screen before you start playing, like when you can change the ball color... Also from the first screen before going into My Tables... And I can't find anything about pop ups, notifications, etc.... in any of the options or settings screens....
It's also annoying because it resets or will have the same pop up when you start the table all over again... Even if you played until you lost all your ball's, entered your initials, and start again.... The same pop ups of beating so and so's score comes up again....
For example, if JoeSchmoe has 10,000 points on that table and DingleDon has 12,000 points, every time you pass 10k you get the pop up that you beat JoeSchmoe and then when you pass 12k you get one for passing DingleDon, etc....
It's freaken annoying!!!!
I have checked the options/settings from the pause screen while playing, from the screen before you start playing, like when you can change the ball color... Also from the first screen before going into My Tables... And I can't find anything about pop ups, notifications, etc.... in any of the options or settings screens....
It's also annoying because it resets or will have the same pop up when you start the table all over again... Even if you played until you lost all your ball's, entered your initials, and start again.... The same pop ups of beating so and so's score comes up again....
For example, if JoeSchmoe has 10,000 points on that table and DingleDon has 12,000 points, every time you pass 10k you get the pop up that you beat JoeSchmoe and then when you pass 12k you get one for passing DingleDon, etc....
It's freaken annoying!!!!