New member
- Sep 9, 2018
- 28
- 0

When Zen released the beta Williams tables a few weeks ago I was so blown away I have spent the last 2 weeks building another cab. Sadly I scrapped the last one as the new monitor was slightly too big doh!
Has it been worth it? Hell Yeah! Zen rocks. As an owner of almost all of TPA tables I can hand on heart say they have outdone themselves and I haven’t even bothered putting TPA back on this cab.
Best of all I now have something to look forward too on each new Volume release so all I can say is Bring em on Zen \0/
My build so far
Custom size cab built for 3 screen setup with 40in 4K monitor as main display
Cut down side rails to suit 6in shorter length of cab, powder coated legs and decal protectors.
Custom decals which I designed for my last project, so not ideal fit but looks ok for now.
I7 8700 water cooled cpu, Nvidia RTX 2080, 32gb Corsair vengeance 3000 ram
M2 250gb SDD x 3 which is all a little OTT but I can also justify for my VR rig
Installed PinballX as front end with FX2, FX3 plus some of the newer VpinballX tables
Last and very important IMO a kl32z controller for real kick ass nudging
Left to do
Custom 5mm glass to suit my cab dimensions. Now ready for collection yey
Fit door and add credit button on coin return push and illuminate along with main start and launch buttons
I am more than happy with the result and have already spent around 20hrs playing the new tables. Portrait mode really is the best way to experience PFX3 so If you haven’t tried it or in any doubt just swivel your monitor/tv into portrait and have a blast, but beware you also may have to sell a kidney lol