I demand Pin*Bot!


Nik Barbour

I love Pinbot! It's in my top 5 of all time! :)
The open playfield is great and so are the shots.

I got Williams Classics for xbox with Pinbot about 2 weeks ago, never played it before, but that definitely feels the hardest table in that collection. (I prefer harder, shorter games personally).
The advance planet target is tight though, I'm normally pretty good at tip of flipper shots, but I tried tip of flipper and simultaneous nudge and I still can't get it tight enough for that target (kind of like Pinbot drop targets in Taxi).
How are you supposed to make that shot - should you bank off a slingshot?


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I don't think (for me anyways) there was ever a more love/hate relationship with a pinball machine than with Pin*Bot.
A total blast to play,but the king of killer drains. I totally expect to see this in TPA soon...


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I've played real Pin*Bot many times and always enjoyed it. I found the outlanes tough but not brutal. I never played the PHOF version or even seen it. There have been so many people that have mentioned the outlanes being rediculously, that I will have to find this on YouTube to see how bad it really was on PHOF.


Jul 11, 2012
Because the ball physics are so floaty the ball isnt affected by gravity and just heads towards outlanes, also nudging doesn't work properly even if you see it going towards outlanes and nudge the ball just shakes and stays its coarse. Jive Time is a perfect example with huge outlanes you nudge but it keeps going towards outlanes, its actually playable IRL.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I never played the PHOF version or even seen it. There have been so many people that have mentioned the outlanes being rediculously, that I will have to find this on YouTube to see how bad it really was on PHOF.

The PHOF version doesn't have bad outlanes at all. I don't know what people are shooting for to have it end up there? The spot target for the planet award on the right side??
The biggest danger I think was having the ball head directly for the left outlane when spat out from the right side bumpers, but usually that will be slow enough for you to nudge it into order.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The real table is pretty drainy (but fun). I didn't think PHoF made it much worse than in reality. For some reason Pin*Bot was one of my very favorite PHoF tables, along with Firepower and Taxi.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I sunk many a quarter into the real deal at a restaurant in San Jose, California at the Pruneyard mall as a teenager. Great table. So iconic, it's a must for the Pinball Arcade.

I wouldn't assume that every table that has appeared in previous Farsight collections will appear here, however because the Pinball Arcade isn't simply a port of either the Gottlieb or Williams collections from consoles. The physics engine is definitely different and many tables in those collections were scripted rather than emulated because Farsight didn't have access to the physical machines. And, frankly, a number of those machines probably don't rate a place in the Pinball Arcade.

I personally could live without Goin' Nuts, Strikes 'n' Spares and Play Boy from the Gottlieb collection; they were only there for novelty anyway. I would be surprised to see Central Park make the cut as well - most brutal outlines ever because there's four of them! I think everything in the Williams Collection would be okay, though I suspect Jive Time won't make the cut and possibly Sorcerer (though I hope I'm wrong on the latter because I really like that one).


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I sunk many a quarter into the real deal at a restaurant in San Jose, California at the Pruneyard mall as a teenager.

Ok, it's weird reading that since I live just a few miles away from there and you're in Glasgow.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Well I did spend my teenage years in San Jose, I went to Del Mar and Gunderson High.

I'm trying to remember the name of the restaurant. It was upstairs and had a couple of pinballs and a few video games. I can remember playing Double Dragon there, Black Tiger, 1942, Victory Road and Pin Bot. Kind of a bar and grill - The Garret! Technically it's Campbell. I doubt they still have Pin Bot 25 years on, but it appears to still be there.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
I had a Pin*Bot table as a kid - i can remember sunday mornings playing in the basement. I would LOVE to have a PA pin*bot table. I always thought it was a lot of fun. Maybe its the nostalgia, but I never really liked bride of pinbot - and i was suprised to see a sequel without the original.

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