I don't remember this table being so drainy IRL


New member
May 4, 2015
Mind you, it's been a LONG time.

Two-thirds of everything goes straight down the middle.

Gonna have to work on a nudging strategy.

EDIT: I think I changed my mind. See below. Oops!
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New member
Jan 2, 2015
I only find it goes towards the middle if it exits from the left of the upper bumpers.

For me it is a fairly easy table. I did drain a bit more when I adjusted my playing style, so I quickly adjusted back :p

You got a post hidden past the flippers too so it can bounce back up again...


New member
May 4, 2015
Twenty games later I'm getting more used to it :p

But that lowest bumper is still not my friend.

Is there really a bounce post hidden down in the center drain? I haven't seen the ball bounce up from it when draining at all. Mind you, I play everything on camera 4 so it might be hard for me to tell.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Yep, middle drains are fairly frequent but manageable by nudging. Outlanes are not that hungry. Still love the signature [MENTION=5032]Locksley[/MENTION] ,especially now that I got a real LOTR at home! Have yet to destroy the Ring..... :)


New member
May 4, 2015
I might have to retract my original remarks; I've already crossed off four standard goals* and gone to 1.7 million. *abashed face*

I think I'll amend the first post to "this is a table you can't just aimlessly flounder around on and get anywhere."

* And the fifth one is apparently bugged. See other thread.
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New member
May 4, 2015
Oh, lookit that - you can see that bounce post if you go into Table Exploration mode.

It's slightly left of center in the drain.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
This, along with BoP, was in the bowling alley on an Air Force base in South Carolina. Some mothers wouldn't let their children come near the tables. True, you cannot just shoot and pray, a well-aimed shot hitting the rollovers at the top really helps get stuff started, especially if you can get all four drop targets to fall! My table seems to lean slightly to the right, so a ball near that outlane is pretty much toast.


New member
Jan 8, 2015
Not very drain-y at all. In less than an hour I got a score over 3m and all but one wizard goal. I'm just now learning to nudge, but those limited skills are enough to keep the game going a while. Seems a bit dull, though. Im still hoping to see Paragon! That was my game back in the day.


New member
May 24, 2013
having fun,it`s great playing the older tables !!! lighting is unreal,thanks Farsight,bloody great variety of tables !!!our collection is turning into a lolly shop,which one do i choose haha !!! great place to be !!!:cool:


New member
May 4, 2015
Haven't played it yet, but if it isn't drainy and tough then it'll get boring pretty fast...

Yeah, this occurred to me after a bit - there's really not much to this table, is there?

As I say, it's been years since I encountered it in the wild; interesting comparing it to my memories of it.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I though it was a glitch getting 10 extra game credits with one ball. But I have repeated it several times and one of the wizard goals is to get 5 in one game. This can't be right on a real machine can it? If so I want to find a real machine so I can play all day on one credit! I am assuming there is is an op menu option to restrict the free game allowance?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Not seeing how this beat out Paragon.
Sultry female voice.

It's not too drainy, but it is too violent, just like every older table Farsight puts out. The flippers and slingshots are way too strong for an old SS machine. The ramp should be made only by a good accurate shot, not by any random flaily bounce that deflects off three other surfaces. The slingshots should not be kicking the ball all the way up the spinner lane. Unlike some tables (HRC) though, at least the excessive violence usually doesn't fling it right into an outlane.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Boy, there's some odd imagery on the playfield, especially the creatures/aliens/humanoids/whatever-the-hell-they-are at the mid and upper left side. That, along that oddly bizarre "dun-dun-dun-dun" slow-paced (at first) Atari 2600-like attempt at music. I don't think I'll sleep very well tonight...


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Sound on iOS is clipping - especially with the sound effects are building during gameplay and start playing at a faster BPM the sound clips and studders. This also happens at end of ball when the bonus scores is added up.

Also at end of the 3rd ball I had an extra ball earned and lit and it quit prematurely to the end of game high score screen (no extra ball)


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
The specials are set pretty liberally. the tube is set on it's easiest settings, and set to give out multiple specials instead of just one. the xenon bonus special also remains lit forever. only the drop target one goes away, and that one comes back every ball.

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